Sunday, February 23, 2020


HTDO, Religion

1- I don't know how it happens, but somehow the weirdest religious leaders end up getting their services broadcast on television.  What are some weird things you've seen religious people do, say, or believe?

2- Why does being religious carry such a negative connotation in culture today?

3- Have you ever heard someone say "all religions essentially believe the same thing"?  What would your response be?

When Jesus arrives on the scene, it shows the end of religion and the beginning of something new.  The age-old question of religion would remain the same: how do we bridge the gap between God and man that was created by sin?  However, Jesus had a solution that everyone desired...except the religious people.

RELIGION says its about behaving, but JESUS says its about receiving.

4- In vs 32-39, Jesus seems very exclusive and narrow minded in his claim that no one else can get to where he is going (without a new solution to the problem).  How do you respond when people tell you that Jesus being the only way to heaven is narrow minded and exclusive?

5-  It seems that many people would rather try to earn it and be a good person instead.  Why is that? Why do people struggle with accepting the free gift of salvation from Jesus?

RELIGION asks, "Who is right?", but Jesus asks, "What happened?"

6- In vs 40-44, we see that the people were extremely divided.  Religion tends to be very divisive and pits people against each other.  How can we be known for what we stand FOR instead of what we stand AGAINST?

7- If someone asked you, "What happened?" around the story of Jesus, could you respond in a clear and concise way?  Give the group an example of a 60 second response (God sent Jesus to earth, lived a sinless life, died the death we deserved, defeated death by raising from the grave).

RELIGION exists to control people, while JESUS came to give people freedom.

8- One of the tendencies that religious people have is to degrade, mock, and shun people that don't believe the same way they do.  How do you interact with people that believe differently than you do without being arrogant and looking down your nose to them?

9- What are some examples of how religion, religious people, or churches try to control people to get them to fall in line and do what they want?  How was Jesus different in his approach?

RELIGION uses condemnation, but JESUS offers restoration.

10- Religion loves to point out your sins and rub your nose in it.  Jesus wants to take your sins away.  What's the difference?

11- One of the most common examples given by religious people is the "mountain top" example.  God is at the top of the mountain, and humanity is at the bottom.  There are many different paths to the top of the mountain, but all the paths lead to the same place and eventually everyone will get there.

Do you have a response to that common theory?  (It sounds really good and actually pretty logical.  But Jesus isn't simply a path UP the mountain.  Jesus is the story of how God came DOWN the mountain to rescue us.)

Sunday, February 16, 2020


SUNDAY, MARCH 22nd-- Can't wait to see you guys there!
In HQ at the SF Campus
Dinner Included


HTDO Who is the Holy Spirit?

Icebreaker: We’re talking about the Holy Spirit, so let’s get weird. What is the craziest or funniest or weirdest experience you have ever had at a church? 


1- When you hear the words “Holy Spirit” what are your first thoughts that come to mind? 

READ John 14:15-17

2- What truths about the Holy Spirit can you pull from these verses of scripture?

3- In what ways have you personally experienced the Holy Spirit being a “spirit of truth or Helper/Advocate” (as mentioned in verse 16-17)? 

4- Jesus uses the word “love” 8 times in 10 verses (v. 15-24). Five of the eight times Jesus is talking about us loving Him. Why do you think Jesus cares if we love Him? 

5- How do you think the Holy Spirit helps you love Jesus? 
  • Re-read v. 15 or 24 if the group needs a refresher on what Jesus says demonstrates love for Him.

READ John 14:26-27

6- The Holy Spirit is our teacher and helper to interpret God’s Word (v.26). How can this role of the Holy Spirit (teacher of God’s Word) help move you toward a deeper love of Jesus?  

7- What else do these verses teach about the Holy Spirit? 

READ John 16:7-14

8- What do you think about Jesus saying is better for Him to leave and send the Holy Spirit than for Him to stay with them in the flesh? 

9- These verses are rich in theology! What do they teach you about the Holy Spirit and His role in the Trinity?

Next Steps:

10- Question #3 discussed how we have seen the Holy Spirit act as the Helper in the past. In what ways do you need the Holy Spirit to be your Helper currently and in the near future?

11-If having the Holy Spirit living inside you is truly more advantageous than having Jesus in the flesh then a lot in our lives should look different. What is a good next step for you to live boldly knowing the Holy Spirit is in you?

Sunday, February 9, 2020


HTDO- Who is Jesus?

1- Go around the room and ask someone to list off 3 words to answer the question, “Who is (your name)?”

2- Ask people to give their top 3 words that come to mind when you ask the question “Who is Jesus?”

When a church does a doctrine series like, “Hills to Die On,” most people assume that the questions and teaching are geared toward helping Christians learn how to tell people who Jesus really is.  Yet oftentimes, the people that need a reminder of who Jesus really is are the people that claim to know him the best: Christians and church people.

READ John 4:43-54

3- What are some of the common misconceptions you hear religious/church people and Christians say when they answer the question “Who is Jesus?”  (i.e., did not live a sinless life, wasn’t born of a virgin, didn’t really die, was just a good person, was a prophet but not the Son of God).

4- Does it surprise you that in the Bible it was the ungodly, non-religious, lost people (like the Samaritans) that loved being around Jesus, while the religious people often hated him and didn’t want him around?

5- Why does it seem so different today, that non-Christians really don’t like to be around church people and others that typically call themselves Christians?

In a bold statement in vs 48, Jesus seems to ask if they are more interested in what Jesus can do FOR them instead of a desire for Jesus himself?  

Put another way, are they more interested in the miracles than they are the messiah?  More interested in him changing your situation than being your savior?

6- What are the signs that your belief and trust in Jesus is built mainly on his “performance” in your life?  What are the signs that your belief and trust are rooted in something more than that?

Oftentimes God will focus on changing your MIND before He focuses on changing your SITUATION. He’s going to change your HEART and SOUL before He changes your CIRCUMSTANCES.

God can bail you out in life by changing your situation, but if in the process your heart and mind doesn’t change, then you’ll find yourself back in the same situation again.  Why?  Because even though your circumstances changed, YOU didn’t change.  And if you don’t change, then nothing changes.

7- How has God changed your heart and mind in the past, even before any of your life’s circumstances changed?

READ 5:1-16

Despite the man never being able to be the first into the pool, Jesus heals him.  He didn’t earn it and didn’t deserve it.

8- Do you struggle with the concept of grace (freely receiving something you didn’t deserve?)  Do you like for things to be fair in life, for people to get what they deserve?  Or are you ok with “freebies”?

Despite being healed, it seems like the man doesn’t thank Jesus, and even throws Jesus under the bus when the church leaders ask him why he’s breaking the rules of the Sabbath.  He seemed to be so nonchalant about the healing that he didn’t even get Jesus’ name after he was healed.

9- How do people today (especially Christians) show a lack of gratitude for the grace they have received from God?

Sometimes it’s easier to focus on the things we DON’T have in life as opposed to the things that God has already done for us and given us.  

10- Why is it so easy to lose sight of things like the freedom, forgiveness, life, and salvation that God has given us and so easy to focus on the areas of our lives where God hasn’t moved or answered yet?

The religious leaders were so caught up in following the rules, living a good life, being a good person, and knowing the right things, that they totally missed who Jesus actually was.

11- Do you struggle with being a rule follower?  What’s the danger in your relationship with God having a foundation of just doing, saying, and obeying the right things?


(Here’s a way you can take the story of John 4 home and make disciples in your home)

1. Act out the story as a family, each person portraying one of the characters (the sick son, the official, Jesus, and the servants). Afterward, discuss the story. Who had the best job?

2. Together, think of some individuals you know who are sick. Take time to pray for them. Remind your children that God’s timing may not be ours and there is healing in the resurrection.

3. Ask your family: Are there times when we get frustrated by Jesus— when he does not seem to listen or give us what we want? How can we overcome our lack of faith? Do we remember God’s answers to prayer? Make a list of recent answers to prayer (like healing from a cold or safety in travel).

4. What does this story tell us about Jesus?

5. How can this story encourage us when we experience sad or hard things?

6. What do the invalid’s actions tell us about his faith in Jesus? Together, think through what it might look like for your family to live with that kind of bold faith.

1. Spend time sharing ways God has answered prayers in your life. Share both the answers you received in joy and those that were difficult to receive.

2. Write down at least three prayers you would like God to answer. Begin praying over these requests with desperation, consistency, confidence, and hope. Be sure to track your thoughts throughout this time of prayer by journaling and/or confiding in someone you trust.

3. Take time to do a self-assessment. What has God saved you from? What has he saved you to? Evaluate how you are doing in following Jesus’s command to, “Sin no more.”

4. In what area(s) of your life do you need healing? Pray to the God who has ultimate authority. Pray for healing, but also ask that he would sustain your faith through the hardship—even if ultimate healing does not occur in this life.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

HTDO- Who is God?

Icebreaker: What is an unpopular or controversial “hill” that you would be willing to die on in terms of a fun/lighthearted subject? (NOT POLITICS. A good example might be: “Michael Jordan is not the best basketball player of all time. LeBron James is.”) 


1- What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “God”? 
  • Leader Note: If you want to make this question more fun than serious, go really fast and get an answer out of each person as fast as possible to ensure that they are saying the first word they think. 

READ Genesis 3:1

2- What was Satan’s goal in questioning Eve the way that he did?

3- In your life, how do you think Satan tries to discredit who God is? 


4- What does it mean to you that God is great?

5- Why do you think believing God is great is essential to your faith?

READ Genesis 3:2-5

6- Eve responded to Satan’s temptation by using God’s own words to her. When you feel yourself being tempted, how do you respond?

7- This time Satan responded with lying about what God had said rather than who God is. How does Satan lie to you in order to discredit God’s Word? 


8- What do you think it means that God is good? 

9- Why do you think it is important to believe in God’s goodness?

10- Is it ever difficult for you to believe that God is good? Why or why not? 

Next Steps:
Leader Note: The next steps part of rGroups will be very important during this series. As we learn more about who God is and the core principles of the Christian faith, it can be tempting to feel good about ourselves for knowing lots of facts. Helping your group to see the connection between knowing about God and knowing God is crucial. Knowing about God should fuel our desire to know God and worship Him. If you need to adapt these questions to apply more to what your group is dealing with, go for it! 

11- How will understanding these core truths about God affect the way you see and worship God?

12- How will understanding these core truths about God affect the way you live?