Sunday, September 27, 2020
Leader Huddle Season 3 wk. 5
In less than 2 minutes hear about the 3rd purpose of rGroups and how to practically implement it in your group this week!
Level Up wk. 5
This rGroup session is on the latter part of Ephesians 5. This mainly applies to married couples. However, this can be very useful for single people who may be looking for a spouse. If you have single people in your group, encourage them to think through these specific roles and how they can start to make progress toward what God has called them to, while also looking for a spouse that embodies these characteristics.
Icebreaker: We are talking about marriage today. Go around and share one word that describes how your marriage is currently going.
1- When you hear the word "submit" what are the first few thoughts that come through your head? Why?
READ Eph. 5:22-24
2- After reading these 3 verses, what are you initial thoughts about the role of the wife in marriage?
3- How do you think this idea conflict with modern ideas of a woman's role in marriage? How do you think it's similar? Which one is better and why?
READ Eph. 5:25
4- What do you think it means to love "the way that Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her"?
READ Eph. 5:26-30
5- Verses 26-27 show us what Paul means when he writes about the husbands role to love as Christ loved the Church. What do you think that means?
6- How do you think that looks practically in marriage?
7- Paul is using Jesus and the Church to make points about marriage relationships, but this also gives us deep theology about the relationship between Jesus and the Church. What do these passages tell you about the way Jesus cares about the Church as a whole?
8- After answering #8, how does this change the way you view/interact with your local church?
READ Eph. 5:33
9- Verse 33 is a great summary statement for this discourse on marriage. Think about how this verse applies to you as either the husband or the wife in your marriage. How can you better play your role?
10- Now, think about the other person in your marriage. In what ways can you and your group pray for them to play their role?
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Leader Huddle Season 3 Wk. 4
Level Up wk. 4
Icebreaker: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Did you succeed in realizing that dream?
This rGroup Bible Study of Ephsians 4 is about what we grow up to be when we are Christians. The life of a real Jesus-follower is marked by movement. We are constantly moving toward Christ-likeness or away from it, but we are never stagnant. Ephesians 4 will help us determine which way we’re growing.
READ Eph. 4:1
1- Verse 1 is the theme verse for this chapter. Glancing back over the preceding chapters of Ephesians, what do you think “the calling” is that Christians have been called to? Why?
READ Eph. 4:2-3
2- When verse 1 says to “walk in a manner worthy...”, verses 2-3 describes part of what that looks like. Which one of those comes easiest to you? Which one is the most difficult?
3- Now think outside of Ephesians 4:2-3. What are other ways that Scripture calls Christians to walk worthy of their calling?
READ Eph. 4:11-15
4- What is the job of pastors/ministers according to these verses (v.11-12)? Why is that the case (v.13-14)?
5- How do you think verse 14 applies to our current culture? What does it look like in your life?
6- How does verse 15 instruct Christians to respond to our current culture? What do you think that looks like for your life?
READ Eph. 4:17-19
7- What are the marks of non-Christians seen in these verses? Have you ever seen these in the life of a Christian (maybe even your own)? Why do you think that is?
READ Eph. 4:20-24
8- Notice how Paul does not describe the opposites of the things listed in v.17-19. Instead, he simply says to “put off the old self.” What are some “old self” things you have put off? What are some “old self” things you’re in the process of putting off?
9- Verse 24 describes the “new self.” In your opinion, what does this verse mean? How does this verse connect with the calling discussed in verse 1?
10- What is a practical next step you can take to apply Ephesians 4 to your life?Sunday, September 13, 2020
Leader Huddle season 3 wk.3
3 tips:
1. Create space for good and the bad
2. Lead with vulnerability. Be family.
3. Consistency drives community
Level Up wk. 3
1- What’s the last big thing you prayed for? If it’s been answered, what was the result?
In Ephesians 3:1 Paul begins a prayer, but pauses to discuss God’s plan of salvation. Let’s see why he paused.
READ Eph. 3:2-5
2- Has God ever given you a gift to use for the good of others? If so, how did you use that?
3- What are some “mysteries” that you don’t understand about the Bible or Christianity?
Leader Note: If there are some real struggles and questions, write them down and send them to We can address those questions corporately.
READ Eph. 3:6-7
4- What is the mystery that Paul was talking about? Why was that such a big deal in the first century when Paul was writing?
5- How can this realization apply to your life?
READ Eph. 3:8-13
6- Paul was given a big task, but had a humble view of himself. Do you tend to struggle with overconfidence or underconfidence? Why?
7- When you pray would you describe your demeanor as bold and confident like verse 12? Why or why not? What do you think it looks like to boldly and confidently pray?
In verse 14, Paul picks up his prayer again that he started in verse 1.
Read Eph. 3:14-19
8- What do you think it means to be rooted and grounded in love in your life?
9- Have you ever experienced the love of Jesus like Paul asks for in verse 18-19
READ Eph. 3:20-21
10- What are some areas in your life where you want to see God move “exceedingly and abundantly”?
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Level Up - Wk. 2
Bible Study of Ephesians 2:
Icebreaker: Since this is the first week of a new season, start with introductions! A fun question to ask might be, “what’s your favorite pastime?”
READ Eph. 2:1-3
1- Did you know that this is how the Bible describes your life before Jesus? How does this change the way you view yourself?
2- How does this change the way you view your friends/family/co-workers who are not followers of Jesus?
READ Eph. 2:4-10
3- Knowing your condition before Christ described in v. 1-3, what’s your reaction to what God has done on your behalf? Which part of verses 4-9 means the most to you? Why?
4- Verse 10 says that God has created and prepared us for certain things. What purposes do you think God has created you for?
God prepared the good works for you to do before they ever happened. When we take a step of obedience to do what God calls us to, we are guaranteed success. Not that the outcome will be successful as we define success, but the outcome is exactly what God had planned.
5- What encouragement does it give you to know that God guarantees us success in the works He calls us to? How can this help you move forward in your faith?
READ Eph. 2:11-16
6- What sticks out to you most in these verses? Why?
Put yourself in the shoes of a Nazi in 1935. You think you are the superior race. Everyone else in your community is inferior to you. That’s a modern way to describe the relationship between Jews and Gentiles. They were vastly different and each thought they were better than the other. So as Paul is talking to Christians who come from Gentile and Jewish backgrounds, you can imagine the hostility still lingering from their former lives.
Leader Note: What follows are difficult questions that can spark difficult conversations. They are conversations that are in view in this text, so they must be addressed no matter how counter-cultural our answers may be. For guidance or advice, reach out to one of the REVO Staff Members. If you as a leader think that your group is not ready for this type of conversation, we defer to your judgement.
7- Jesus as the peacemaker between hostile people groups is in view here. How should this realization from Scripture inform our modern understanding of racial issues?
8- Ultimately, Jesus’ goal was a spiritual reconciliation between humanity and God, which will in turn reconcile people groups on Earth (v.15-16). So with this end goal in mind, what are some practical steps Christians can take to pursue racial reconciliation?
Leader Note: The focus here should be on spiritual reconciliation with God before racial reconciliation on earth. We cannot expect non-Christians to treat each other the way in which Jesus instructs. Once someone has expressed Jesus as Savior and King over their life, then we can confront sin in their life and expect reconciliation.
Another helpful text in this conversation might be Galatians 3:26-29, in which similar ideas from Eph. 2 are expressed. Namely that spiritual reconciliation with God is primary and racial reconciliation on earth is a result.