Sunday, January 8, 2012

Word Night, January 8-14

Matthew 13:44-46

Let's take a look at the first parable in vs 44:

1. He stumbled across the treasure (that means he wasn't actively looking for it).  The Gospel can transform a life even if that person isn't looking for Jesus, doesn't know about Jesus, or really doesn't realize the need for Jesus!

2. Notice how the Gospel changed his life.  Once he found it, IN HIS JOY he SELLS ALL THAT HE HAS and buys the field.  Is your life after conversion marked by joy and sacrifice for what matters the most?  Is your life really all that different since you met Jesus?

3.  Who do you know in your sphere of influence that would fall into this category?  These people are far from God and may not even know they need God yet.  Take some time to pray for them, write their names down, and set a goal to open up the conversation with them this week.  You could be the map that God uses for them to find the treasure of the Gospel!

Now for vs 45-46:

1. This person was actually looking for answers.  They were looking for something to fill the void in their life.  Notice that the reaction is still the same.  When the person finds it, there is great joy and rejoicing, and his life is forever changed.

2. Do you know people that are searching?  Maybe they have been coming to church and have some really good questions.  They could be really close to finding what they have been looking for.  What is your plan this week to help these people take the last few crucial steps to a real relationship with Jesus?

Group leaders, take your time talking about the Gospel at the end of your group time.  Rehash the thought of freedom in Christ and what salvation really offers.  It is a side of the Gospel that someone in your group may have never heard before!  Explain that, and ask your group if anyone wants to make a decision to give their life to Christ.  If so, CELEBRATE THAT!  One of the expectations of our rGroups is that people are hearing the Gospel and are given the opportunity to respond.

Be sure to let us know if someone in your group makes a decision to follow Christ so that we can rejoice with you and help them move forward in their life with Him.


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