Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dangerous Word Night, Feb. 19th-25th

Acts 2:1-13

-Remind your crew to recite Acts 1:8 for memory this week and drive home the importance of Scripture and the Word of God.

-Verse to memorize this week: Acts 2:4a- "And they were filled with the Holy Spirit."  Acts 1:8 was the mission, and 2:4 is the power source.

-How would you describe the Holy Spirit to someone?  3-headed monster, Egg, 3 leaf clover, H2O, etc.

-Is it ok with you that there are things about God that you don't know?  Do you have to know everything in order to worship and surrender your life to Jesus?

-Give me your top 5 most significant bible stories.  Mine are (in chronological order in Scripture) 1. Creation, 2. Fall of Man, 3. Resurrection of Jesus, 4. Coming of the Holy Spirit, 5. Second Coming of Christ.  In anyone's top 5, Acts 2 should be there.  That goes to show that this is an important text!!

-The 12 disciples weren't known for being at the top of the social or economic ladder.  That makes what they did in this passage even more significant.  However, the point isn't power-filled rednecks or guys speaking in foreign languages.  The point to remember is that when the Spirit came down and dwelt in the lives of the apostles, their lives radically changed.  It is impossible to have a real encounter with God and not experience a life change.  What are ways that your life has changed since meeting Jesus?  Can you see definite changes in your life before and after Jesus?

-What was the advice of Jesus?  Wait.  The disciples had no idea why they had to do that.  Now in chapter 2, we see the master plan.  Instead of making the disciples travel to the ends of the earth, Jesus brought the earth to them.  We have to realize that God's way is perfect, even when we don't recognize it. One of the things that will make us a Dangerous Church is having radical obedience.  What are some instances in your life where you had radical obedience to God?  How did God blow your mind through the process, even when the initial command didn't make much sense?

-True or false: What you believe determines how you act.  Diet, exercise, your fears, etc.  It's the same with God.  So why is an understanding of the Holy Spirit so important? (imagine how knowing the power and authority of the Holy Spirit and what that means for you will do for you!  Your boldness, your willingness to listen to God and follow Him, etc).

Know these basic tenants of the Holy Spirit:
1.  The Holy Spirit is eternal.  Seriously, if the H.S. did it back in the Bible, then He can do it now!  If he can use Galilean rednecks, he can use us!  John 14:16

2. The Holy Spirit draws people to God and draws believers closer to Jesus.  Acts 1:8 and Ephesians 3:16-19.

3. The Holy Spirit is our sanctifier.  2 Corinthians 3:18, we are transformed into the image of Jesus through the Holy Spirit.  Galatians 5:22-23 gives characteristic of how the Holy Spirit is manifested in our lives, characteristics of sorts.  Both of these help us Move Forward with our relationship with God.

REMEMBER:  the same power that was unleashed and changed the world in these verses is still active in changing people's lives today.


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