Acts 6:1-15
Memorize Acts 6:3
-Remind your group that REVO as an organization served over 6,500 hours in 2011! That's an incredible number considering our size and we only launched in February of that year! Celebrate that! Make a big deal about it with the people in your group that served hard last year.
vs. 1-2
-Serving tables was a term used to talk about every aspect of the church that wasn't the direct preaching and teaching of the word.
-there is literally a place for everyone to serve in a local church setting. If you're not serving, the reason isn't because there isn't anything for you to do.
vs. 5-6
-All of the names are Greek. The Greeks were an unreached people in the area. The church found a need, came up with a game plan, and mobilized. At REVO, our service opportunities are done through our rGroups. Has your group (or you as an individual) found a need, come up with a game plan to meet it, and mobilized? If not, spend some time tonight thinking of a way you can serve hard in the next month, and then do it!
-Here's a tough question to ask yourself. Is what you are doing on a daily basis having any impact on anyone except yourself? As a believer, you know the mandate that God has called us to, but so many times we give excuses like, "I don't have time to do it, I'm too tired, I just can't this week, blah blah blah." What are you actually doing that has an eternal impact? How are you spending your time that is putting other people above yourself? Do you realize that the local church is a place to serve and volunteer that will accomplish all of those things? Why would you NOT want to Serve Hard as much as you could?
vs. 7
Why do we make it such a big deal to serve? Because when you do, you are allowing other people to hear the Gospel message and make a decision for Christ. When you put it in those words and think about it that way, service becomes more than charity work or simply checking off your good deed for the day. There is a lot on the line! Your service is changing lives and people are meeting Jesus as a result of it!
There are 2 ways that Satan will try to thwart the advancement of the Gospel: oppression and persecution. It happened with Stephen in these verses and also with Jesus. First, they oppressed the truth with lies, then they persecuted both of them to their deaths. Remember those 2 tactics as you go forward. The one we have to deal with the most internally is the oppression. We are encouraged not to talk about Jesus or our faith. You can get mocked for volunteering on a Saturday to serve with the church or wake up early on Sunday to serve. Are you going to let that stop you?
Key Points to Remember/Discuss:
1. A Dangerous Church fights hard to make sure nothing distracts it from the main thing.
2. There are ample opportunities for people to get plugged in so that their time and energy can be spent towards seeing lives changed and making REVO a dangerous church.
3. Everything we do is meant to help accomplish the mission of seeing lives changed by Jesus and create disciples of him.
4. The church has a two-fold process of gathering and scattering. All of these stories that we have been reading about in Acts are actually accounts of the church scattered. These are accounts of the church going outside of the walls of the temple and actually being the church.
5. You've got to move past the weekend if you want to follow Jesus. If we're going to be dangerous, it cannot be just about coming to church on Sunday.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Dangerous Word Night, April 22nd-28th
Acts 5:12-42
Key Verse to Memorize: Acts 5:42
Key Points:
1. A Dangerous Church does everything it can to get people to Jesus. If your life has been changed by Jesus, our default reaction should be to identify with people that were once lost/broken/searching like you were, and show them the way out. Show them the map! Hold the door for them! (vs. 14-16)
2. You can't argue with results! If Jesus has changed your life, where do you identify the results? Scripture says it's by the fruit in your life. Where's the fruit? Because people can argue against your theology, your oratory skills, and your bible. But you can't argue with results! (vs. 17-21a)
3. If God has called you to do something, focus on that. Don't deviate from it, don't make excuses, and don't get off focus. Let God worry about the details. (vs. 17-21a)
4. Praying Dangerous Prayers (Acts 4:29-30) results in God moving in incredible ways (Acts 5:21b-33).
5. Even a cynic of Jesus and the Gospel believed this: if this movement stands the test of time, then that means it's of God, and NO ONE will be able to stop it. That was 2,000 years ago... so what are you waiting for? Live Bold. This texts proves that this Christianity/Jesus thing is legit, and NO ONE can stop it. (vs. 34-40)
Discussion Questions:
1. Is your model of Christianity based solely on your words and what you say? Or is your life bearing fruit? Or worse, are you not saying or doing anything at all!?
2. Make a list of some friends/coworkers/neighbors that don't go to church and don't have a relationship with Jesus. Now, what are you willing to do to get them to Jesus?
3. If you were given a task, and you knew there was no way to fail, would you go All-In and chase it? Would you tackle it 100% if you knew in the end you were on the winning team? Even if it was hard and would take time and energy and effort? That is the exact scenario we have as followers of Jesus. So what's stopping you? (Not a rhetorical question).
Key Verse to Memorize: Acts 5:42
Key Points:
1. A Dangerous Church does everything it can to get people to Jesus. If your life has been changed by Jesus, our default reaction should be to identify with people that were once lost/broken/searching like you were, and show them the way out. Show them the map! Hold the door for them! (vs. 14-16)
2. You can't argue with results! If Jesus has changed your life, where do you identify the results? Scripture says it's by the fruit in your life. Where's the fruit? Because people can argue against your theology, your oratory skills, and your bible. But you can't argue with results! (vs. 17-21a)
3. If God has called you to do something, focus on that. Don't deviate from it, don't make excuses, and don't get off focus. Let God worry about the details. (vs. 17-21a)
4. Praying Dangerous Prayers (Acts 4:29-30) results in God moving in incredible ways (Acts 5:21b-33).
5. Even a cynic of Jesus and the Gospel believed this: if this movement stands the test of time, then that means it's of God, and NO ONE will be able to stop it. That was 2,000 years ago... so what are you waiting for? Live Bold. This texts proves that this Christianity/Jesus thing is legit, and NO ONE can stop it. (vs. 34-40)
Discussion Questions:
1. Is your model of Christianity based solely on your words and what you say? Or is your life bearing fruit? Or worse, are you not saying or doing anything at all!?
2. Make a list of some friends/coworkers/neighbors that don't go to church and don't have a relationship with Jesus. Now, what are you willing to do to get them to Jesus?
3. If you were given a task, and you knew there was no way to fail, would you go All-In and chase it? Would you tackle it 100% if you knew in the end you were on the winning team? Even if it was hard and would take time and energy and effort? That is the exact scenario we have as followers of Jesus. So what's stopping you? (Not a rhetorical question).
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Dangerous Word Night, April 15-21
Acts 4:32-5:11
Think about these 2 popular passages in the Bible that talk about giving:
-Widow gives 2 coins, rich man gives a lot, Jesus says the widow gave more.
-God loves a cheerful giver.
What do they have in common? What is the real issue that is being driven home? It's that money is a heart issue.
You've all heard this before: look at what you spend your money on and I'll tell you what matters most to you. I can tell you where your heart is by the way you spend your money.
This passage is no different.
Peter doesn't pay attention to the amounts of money given. He looks at the motives/attitudes/actions behind the giver.
-What are the different motives to giving?
-Guilt (we'll give, but only the lowest amount)
-Pride (we'll give, maybe even a lot, but it's just to get recognition. If no one is looking or knows about it, then we won't give)
-You care (people will give sacrificially and generously to things they really care about. They give their time, energy, efforts, and their money gladly to an organization/cause that they are passionate about)
-Knowing that those are the top three reasons people give, do you understand now why God is more interested in the motive rather than the amount? Think about how much more can be done through the "you care" giver as oppose to the "Guilt and prideful" givers?
What are the reasons that we give to the Church?
-Out of obedience to God
-Because we believe in the mission/vision
-Because our speech backed with actions legitimizes the message to outsiders and gives greater opportunities for people to experience life change through Jesus. And "actions" cost money!
-What are some examples in your life lately that your actions through giving and generosity have supported your claims about the Gospel and proclamation of the Gospel?
-Does this passage help illustrate the importance that God places on the hearts of those that follow him? Nothing grabs people's attention like someone dropping dead! That's how serious God is!
-Have you ever been guilty of saying "I can't afford to give?" Or maybe "I make too much money to give God a big percentage of my salary?" Those 2 statements really have nothing to do with money, but everything to do with your heart.
-You are going to get whatever your heart desires (within reason). If you really want a car, you'll buy it, even if you have to go into debt. Do you really want that smartphone? "Need" some new clothes? You'll buy it. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with having and buying nice stuff. Just realize that the things that your heart desires will be obtained and prioritized in your life. Now, apply that to your finances and God. When God sees how much you give to Him, what does that tell him about your heart?
Think about these 2 popular passages in the Bible that talk about giving:
-Widow gives 2 coins, rich man gives a lot, Jesus says the widow gave more.
-God loves a cheerful giver.
What do they have in common? What is the real issue that is being driven home? It's that money is a heart issue.
You've all heard this before: look at what you spend your money on and I'll tell you what matters most to you. I can tell you where your heart is by the way you spend your money.
This passage is no different.
Peter doesn't pay attention to the amounts of money given. He looks at the motives/attitudes/actions behind the giver.
-What are the different motives to giving?
-Guilt (we'll give, but only the lowest amount)
-Pride (we'll give, maybe even a lot, but it's just to get recognition. If no one is looking or knows about it, then we won't give)
-You care (people will give sacrificially and generously to things they really care about. They give their time, energy, efforts, and their money gladly to an organization/cause that they are passionate about)
-Knowing that those are the top three reasons people give, do you understand now why God is more interested in the motive rather than the amount? Think about how much more can be done through the "you care" giver as oppose to the "Guilt and prideful" givers?
What are the reasons that we give to the Church?
-Out of obedience to God
-Because we believe in the mission/vision
-Because our speech backed with actions legitimizes the message to outsiders and gives greater opportunities for people to experience life change through Jesus. And "actions" cost money!
-What are some examples in your life lately that your actions through giving and generosity have supported your claims about the Gospel and proclamation of the Gospel?
-Does this passage help illustrate the importance that God places on the hearts of those that follow him? Nothing grabs people's attention like someone dropping dead! That's how serious God is!
-Have you ever been guilty of saying "I can't afford to give?" Or maybe "I make too much money to give God a big percentage of my salary?" Those 2 statements really have nothing to do with money, but everything to do with your heart.
-You are going to get whatever your heart desires (within reason). If you really want a car, you'll buy it, even if you have to go into debt. Do you really want that smartphone? "Need" some new clothes? You'll buy it. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with having and buying nice stuff. Just realize that the things that your heart desires will be obtained and prioritized in your life. Now, apply that to your finances and God. When God sees how much you give to Him, what does that tell him about your heart?
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Easter Week, DTR Word Night
Text: Luke 7:36-50
Fans vs. Followers. What are some characteristic and differences between the 2?
Fan: Relationship with Jesus focuses on a one-time decision
Follower: Relationship with Jesus focuses on a life-long commitment to Jesus
Fan: Relationship is based on a knowledge of Jesus, and intellectual or mental assent of Him.
Follower: Relationship is based on intimacy with Jesus, a thriving, growing, living relationship.
Gut Check: Do sinners and lost people like to be around you and hang out with you? If not, then you're not being like Jesus. Sinners and lost people loved hanging out with Jesus, not because he compromised the truth, but because he accepted everyone and recognized people's need for a savior.
Matthew 15:8- Does Jesus's definition of a "Pharisee" describe your life? What areas, and how can you change that?
Think about times in your own life that you have defined your relationship with Jesus in these specific steps.
1. Foot washing: Giving the bare minimal, simply wanting to hang out with Jesus to receive the perks, but not wanting a real relationship. Him simply coming into the doorway, but nothing more.
2. Kiss: Does your life even give a friendly nod to Jesus? Is it simply a kiss on the check to satisfy him? Or are you so enthralled by the grace and mercy of Jesus you can't stop kissing him?
3. Gift: Take an evaluation of your gifts and talents. Are you simply putting a drop here and there, giving very minimal to Jesus? Or are you taking your life, your everything, your time, your finances, your relationships, and your baggage, and dumping it all out at the feet of Jesus?
This woman didn't care about social faux pas. She didn't care about how others looked at her or thought of her. Are there areas in your life that are off limits to Jesus? Things that you just won't allow God to be a part of?
What can you do practically to move from being a fan of Jesus to more of a follower?
Fans vs. Followers. What are some characteristic and differences between the 2?
Fan: Relationship with Jesus focuses on a one-time decision
Follower: Relationship with Jesus focuses on a life-long commitment to Jesus
Fan: Relationship is based on a knowledge of Jesus, and intellectual or mental assent of Him.
Follower: Relationship is based on intimacy with Jesus, a thriving, growing, living relationship.
Gut Check: Do sinners and lost people like to be around you and hang out with you? If not, then you're not being like Jesus. Sinners and lost people loved hanging out with Jesus, not because he compromised the truth, but because he accepted everyone and recognized people's need for a savior.
Matthew 15:8- Does Jesus's definition of a "Pharisee" describe your life? What areas, and how can you change that?
Think about times in your own life that you have defined your relationship with Jesus in these specific steps.
1. Foot washing: Giving the bare minimal, simply wanting to hang out with Jesus to receive the perks, but not wanting a real relationship. Him simply coming into the doorway, but nothing more.
2. Kiss: Does your life even give a friendly nod to Jesus? Is it simply a kiss on the check to satisfy him? Or are you so enthralled by the grace and mercy of Jesus you can't stop kissing him?
3. Gift: Take an evaluation of your gifts and talents. Are you simply putting a drop here and there, giving very minimal to Jesus? Or are you taking your life, your everything, your time, your finances, your relationships, and your baggage, and dumping it all out at the feet of Jesus?
This woman didn't care about social faux pas. She didn't care about how others looked at her or thought of her. Are there areas in your life that are off limits to Jesus? Things that you just won't allow God to be a part of?
What can you do practically to move from being a fan of Jesus to more of a follower?
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Word Night, April 1-April 7
The goal of this morning's message was to promote spiritual evaluation. We will not move forward in our relationship with Jesus until we are honest with ourselves about where we currently are. Jesus forces us make a spiritual assessment in Luke 14.
-Recap the meaning of verse 26 for your group. It is important that everyone understands that the word ”hate” means “love less.”
-If your group is comfortable sharing, have them confess some of the things that they may be holding as supremely important in place of God.
-After your group has shared, acknowledge that while confession is good, it is not moving forward. Talk about ways you are going to restructure your life so that the proclamation of your love for Jesus is affirmed by your lifestyle.
-Answer the question, “does the intensity with which you love and pursue Jesus exceed the intensity with which you pursue everything else?”
-Read Col. 1:15-19. Do you believe that this is Jesus? Does that belief affect how you will live this week?
Being a disciple of Jesus requires us to value Him above everything else. Nothing in our lives should get more time, attention, passion, and affection. In fact, Jesus says if we can’t do that, then we can’t be His disciples…this is serious.
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