Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dangerous Word Night, April 15-21

Acts 4:32-5:11

Think about these 2 popular passages in the Bible that talk about giving:

-Widow gives 2 coins, rich man gives a lot, Jesus says the widow gave more.
-God loves a cheerful giver.

What do they have in common?  What is the real issue that is being driven home?  It's that money is a heart issue.

You've all heard this before: look at what you spend your money on and I'll tell you what matters most to you.  I can tell you where your heart is by the way you spend your money.

This passage is no different.

Peter doesn't pay attention to the amounts of money given.  He looks at the motives/attitudes/actions behind the giver.

-What are the different motives to giving?
-Guilt (we'll give, but only the lowest amount)
-Pride (we'll give, maybe even a lot, but it's just to get recognition.  If no one is looking or knows about it, then we won't give)
-You care (people will give sacrificially and generously to things they really care about.  They give their time, energy, efforts, and their money gladly to an organization/cause that they are passionate about)

-Knowing that those are the top three reasons people give, do you understand now why God is more  interested in the motive rather than the amount?  Think about how much more can be done through the "you care" giver as oppose to the "Guilt and prideful" givers?

What are the reasons that we give to the Church?
-Out of obedience to God
-Because we believe in the mission/vision
-Because our speech backed with actions legitimizes the message to outsiders and gives greater opportunities for people to experience life change through Jesus.  And "actions" cost money!

-What are some examples in your life lately that your actions through giving and generosity have supported your claims about the Gospel and proclamation of the Gospel?

-Does this passage help illustrate the importance that God places on the hearts of those that follow him? Nothing grabs people's attention like someone dropping dead!  That's how serious God is!

-Have you ever been guilty of saying "I can't afford to give?"  Or maybe "I make too much money to give God a big percentage of my salary?"  Those 2 statements really have nothing to do with money, but everything to do with your heart.

-You are going to get whatever your heart desires (within reason).  If you really want a car, you'll buy it, even if you have to go into debt.  Do you really want that smartphone?  "Need" some new clothes?  You'll buy it.  Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with having and buying nice stuff.  Just realize that the things that your heart desires will be obtained and prioritized in your life.  Now, apply that to your finances and God.  When God sees how much you give to Him, what does that tell him about your heart?


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