Passage: Acts 8:1-25
Verse to Memorize: Acts 8:4
vs. 1-3
-Imagine how discouraged the early church must have been. They had done everything right. Momentum was high, and so was morale. So why did God allow something bad to happen? In this passage, we see the result of the persecution: the Gospel spread like wild-fire. So, God actually had a greater purpose in Stephen's death than in his life. But hindsight is easy, isn't it?
-Think about your own life. Are you to a point in your life where you could honestly say, "God, whatever happens in my life is good with me, because I know you have a purpose in it. Whatever happens (good or bad) I'll praise you and worship you and continue to rest in the fact that you are in control." That is one of the most selfless things you could ever say. Are you there yet? Do you believe that? Do you believe it, but just find it hard to go along with it?
-Paul said he had to die to himself daily in order to follow Jesus. This is simply not the American dream. For Stephen, he had to literally die. For us, it may be to die to our own selfish ambitions or to the idols that are taking the place of God in our lives. In doing that, it may actually make our lives harder and less pleasant. Is it worth it to you?
-Is it possible that your hardships and trials are the most effective way for God to use your life to accomplish His purpose and mission on this earth? WOW, that is one of the hardest things I've ever had to type out.
-In verse 1, I love the precedence that this early church sets. It's not the pastor's responsibility to do ministry. It's the pastor's responsibility to equip, prepare, and teach the Church how to go out and do ministry, so that they can go and Be the Church. The early church models this by the pastors staying in Jerusalem and the people being scattered out to continue to preach the word. What are your thoughts on that?
-Vs 4-8
-These verses are a reminder of what persecution can accomplish. We also see that the second part of Acts 1:8 has come to fruition. Jesus was right: the Gospel has spread in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria. Is it worth it to you? Would you be willing to play a part in the advancement of God's kingdom and message in this city?
vs. 9-25
-Great reminder of the purpose of both evangelism and discipleship. It's important to preach the Gospel and for people to get saved. It's also important to teach them and disciple them so that they can Grow Deeper and Move Forward. Talk about some things as a group that you have learned since you gave your life to Jesus. What did you have no idea about when your God story first started that you have learned along the way?
-What part of the house are you in? Foyer, bedroom, kitchen, den. Do you see the importance of discipleship and how that plays into your life following Jesus? It's more important than a one-time decision. Following Jesus is a continual growth spurt in your spiritual life.
Action steps:
1. What do you need to do to Move Forward in your relationship with Jesus? What rooms do you need to explore?
2. Who are people in your life that you need to invite into the house by telling them about Jesus and asking them to respond to the Gospel?
3. Are there things in my life that are off-limits to God? Are there areas that you have a mental agreement with God that CAN'T be touched? Fill in the blank: My relationship with God will stay strong and everything will be ok, unless ________ happens.
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