Sunday, September 16, 2012

Jesus Is... Sept 16 - Sept 22

Jesus Is…Legit

Go ahead and tell your group to strain all of their responses to the first three questions through the colander of Jesus’ authority.
-Why is it significant that Jesus was teaching in the synagogue?  Was everyone allowed to do that?
Teaching in the synagogue was by invite only, so the ruler of the synagogue apparently regarded Jesus as a respected and authoritative figure, otherwise he wouldn’t have invited Jesus to teach.
-Why might Jesus have been viewed as authoritative before He had even taught in the synagogue?
This suggests that Jesus was already respected and reveals that His interaction with people in the community and His knowledge of God was preceded Him. It also shows that John the Baptist was successful in setting the stage for Jesus ministry.

Power statement:
Verse 22 says “And they were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one who had authority…” On Sundays, Pastor Nathan preaches using the Bible which is authoritative. Never once has he stood on stage and said “do this because I say,” he says “do this because the word of God says.” The people were so astounded by the way Jesus taught because He taught from His own authority and knowledge because He is the Word of God. Jesus wasn’t dependent on truth revealed in the yet to be written New Testament in order write a good sermon. He is the source material for a good sermon!

-Read verse 23 & 24. Unclean spirit is singular, denoting one demon, but when the demon speaks it says, “Have you come to destroy us?” What might that mean?
In this dialogue the demon affirms Jesus dominion and authority over all demonic power! When the demon said have you come to destroy us it didn’t mean there was more than one demon in the man, it meant that the demon feared that Jesus would eradicate all demonic power. The demon feared Jesus’ authority. Jesus proves power and authority over evil spirits which also confirms His message from verse 15, the Kingdom of God is near, i.e. “I’m the agent of God’s rule.”

- After the scene in the synagogue Jesus had arrived; this dude was recognized as legit and could have successfully assimilated into the upper rungs of society, but instead He leaves and goes to hang out with His fishermen. What does this say about Jesus?

-Read verse 35. This is a descriptive verse, but a valuable assertion proceeds from it. That being that communion with the Father is better, more important, and more satisfying than sleep, so sacrifice your sleep for something better! “I don’t have time,” is a lie, “you don’t have motivation,” is unfortunately true. Does the effort you put into your relationship with God look like you believe He is better than sleeping?

- Before Jesus begins interacting with people or doing ministry He is found alone with God… Is it significant that Jesus starts His day communing with the Father? How so?
Jesus’ consistent pursuit of intimacy with God early, before the day starts and before He begins ministry, reveals that He works from His intimacy with God! It is consistent communion with the Father, the blessing and treasure of the Gospel, that produces a gratefulness for that Gospel and so spurs us on to be fishers of men, that they too may taste and see the goodness and glory of the Father! Where intimacy is lacking genuine ministry is not found.

-What does verse 40 tell us about Jesus?
                  He doesn’t lord His authority and power over people He uses it to benefit them. He has compassion. This is excellent news!

-Why did He heal people?
                  He can! He is compassionate! His deeds authenticate His message!

-What role did the leper’s faith play in his healing?

-When you share the gospel are you confident that your deeds actually help add credibility to what you’re preaching?

Bottom Line:
-Jesus has all authority!
-Jesus didn’t just claim authority; His deeds command belief in His authority!
-Jesus' compassionate use of His authority is great news for you and I!

Close your time grateful that Jesus is both compassionate and authoritative! One without the other is a scary thing!


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