-When confronted with the reality that the “end” is coming
(whether through death or Jesus return) what thoughts come to mind? (does it
scare you, stress you out, excite you, etc…)
-In verse 9 Jesus says believers will be severely persecuted as
we get closer to the end. While we don’t currently encounter intense physical
persecution in the US, all around the world believers are being put to death
for their faith in Jesus and bold proclamation of the Gospel. How does this
make you feel about your boldness in comfortable circumstances?
-Read verse 13. Does this suggest that we’re saved by our ability
to persist in faith during hard times?
-What did this text teach you about God (any of the Persons
of the Trinity)?
-What did this text teach you about yourself?
-What are you going to do about it?
-Christmas Eve Eve service on the eve of Christmas Eve...Be there!
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