Monday, April 29, 2013

Expletive: F-bomb

Mark 2:18-22

-What are some times in your life that you fasted? Why did you do it? What were the results?

-What were some of your misconceptions about fasting? Why do you think people don't do it more often?

-What does fasting communicate about God? About you? About your relationship with Him?

-Why would you fast? What's the purpose and result?

Pastor Nathan compiled some texts to help us know when to fast. Share these with your group:

1. Crisis, Hardship, In Trouble
-Esther 4:16- She needed favor with the king in a time of trouble.
-Acts 9- Since Paul converted, his friends would want to kill him.
-The fasting wasn't just about getting what they wanted, but about seeking God is a vulnerable time in their lives in order to grow their faith and relationship with Him.

2. Gain Understanding
-Daniel 10:2-3
-The fast resulted in Daniel having clarity and focus on what God had called him to do
-The fast was built around growing the relationship, but a by product of that was hearing from God and gaining clarity and understanding on what the next step was. It's not just about "what's next" but about a daily familiarity with God.

3. Self-evaluation and consecration
-Leviticus 23:27
-Jeremiah 36:6
-It's a time in life to ask God for an evaluation and examination. God, how am I doing in these areas: family, personal relationship, work, finances, calling on your life. What do I need to change? Do differently?
-Doing this at the beginning of the year could be good to know how to Move Forward
-This isn't just about a New Years resolution though. We want to hear from God and what He thinks about our lives so that we can do things better or eliminate things. Doing this increases our intimacy and closeness to God.

4. Big Decisions
-Judges 20
-Summary: The Israelites wanted to fight a battle, but the first 2 times they went to war, they lost. The third time they spent extensive time praying and fasting, and had a sweeping victory.
-Never go into a big decision without fasting and having sought God on the issue. You've asked everyone else what they thought, did you ask God?
-It was more than just a big decision, it was experiencing God and knowing Him more as we move forward into the future. (See a pattern yet?)

5. Mercy, grace, and forgiveness
-1 Kings 21:29
-Sometimes we fast to prove the seriousness of the situation. It's not a nonchalant "sorry about that God." We are recognizing that it's a big deal that we sinned against God.

6. Healing and health
-1 Samuel 30
-Isaiah 58
-Fasting is not just to get skinny or fit into your old clothes. However, since you body is a temple of The Lord and we need to honor Him with it, health is important. Fasting can detox our bodies and help us perform the tasks that God has for us, and give us longevity in our ministry.
-But again, detox and health is about eliminating physical things in order to hear from God and grow closer and more dependent on Him.

7. Spiritual toughness
-The 40 day fast by Jesus
-Jesus was tempted by Satan, and was able to overcome it. Fasting actually made Jesus tougher, stronger, and more able spiritually to get the job done.
-Jesus wanted an extreme intimacy with the Father. This resulted in him being prepared to face any situation physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Spiritual toughness was not the ends, but simply a by-product of fasting and seeking a deeper relationship with God.

8. Refocus on what matters
-Isaiah 58
-Fasting helps us not to focus on ourselves and not be so self-centered.
-Fasting is a reminder that we are not self-sufficient.
-Its a reminder of how important God is in our lives and how dependent we are on Him.

REMEMBER: When we fast, God shows up. However, that's not the reason we fast. It's just a bi-product of a deep relationship. You don't have friends just so they can do things for you and get you out of a jam. That's just something that comes naturally as a result of that friendship.


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