1. Why do people chose to hide the lamp?
a. Nervous about what people will say and how you will be viewed
b. Nervous about not being able to answer their questions if they ask (How long will you let that be an excuse? Are you willing to study, learn, dig deeper so that you can answer questions and see them come into a relationship with Jesus?)
c. Being a hypocrite (knowing that shining the light will not match the life you live in front of them already)
d. The gospel really hasn't changed your life (it's going to be hard to tell others about a Gospel that changes lives when by your own attitude/actions/speech it's hard to even tell that it's changed yours).
2. What are the consequences of hiding the lamp for long? (God will take the blessings/resources that you are wasting and give them to someone else who is wiling to use them to advance the kingdom of God).
3. How does it make you feel that you are not the one responsible for life change? How does it make you feel that your only job in the process is to tell people about Jesus and what he has done for you and then wait on God to change their hearts? In the entire process, we have really been given the easiest, simplest, and most rewarded part of the process!
4. Share some mustard seed stories together. In your faith and life, what started as a small seed (decision/habit) that grew and produced great results? (Maybe it was the decision to follow Jesus for the first time, to pray everyday, to read your Bible daily, to join a church, to give financially, to join an rGroup, to share your faith, to invite friends to church).
Who you are determines what you do. -Jesus
What you do determines who you are. -Other religions
Followers of Jesus (who you are) means that you shine the light and scatter the seed (what you do).
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