Monday, July 1, 2013

You Gotta Have Faith: Blind Faith

Mark 10:46-52

1.  Close your eyes.  Imagine what it would be like to be blind.  Imagine not being able to see color.  To know what the beach looks like, or the sunset.  The phrase that I think comes to mind most when I think about blindness is this: "you're missing out on so much.  So many of the joys in life, so many beautiful things, so many indescribable moments of life."  Now, how does that relate to spiritual blindness?  How would you describe what spiritually blind people are missing?

2.  What is your role as a person that can now see?  Do you feel any obligation to help anyone else?  Do you desire for others to see?  What does it mean for Jesus to look at us and say, "Call him to me."

3.  Why does Jesus set it up so that the Savior comes before the sight?  Why wouldn't Jesus just give everyone their physical sight first?  (People will then put their faith in their prayers and ability to ask, the signs of Jesus instead of the person).  What is Jesus after, clarity or intimacy?  What does those things produce?

4.  Share time!  Look at Luke 18:43.  If you have faith in Jesus, share how these things are true in your life.  Faith is an internal conviction that leads to external action.  What has your faith produced in your life?  Can you identify these things?
a. Worship
b. Witness
c. Follow
They're Back:
-What did this text teach you about God?
-What did this text teach you about yourself?
-What are you going to do about it?


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