Saturday, November 23, 2013

Reach This City: Live Sent

1.  In Nehemiah 11:1-3, we see the worship service end and the people go home.  Part of their strategy to Reach the City is to live like people that are "sent out" by God to tell the world about Him.  For many people, missions and living sent centers around a trip or an event (Cuba, the Big Serve, church service).  However, that's an incomplete viewpoint of missions.  How is missions more of a lifestyle than an event?  How can our lives be missional where we live, play, eat, shop, and work?

2.  What is the message that we are called to proclaim in the Great Commission and in Jesus' last words here on earth in Acts 1:8?  How would you define the Gospel?  Do you have a clear understanding of the message that we have been entrusted with?  Some may be hesitant to share their faith because they have a lack of clarity or understanding about it.  Here's an easy breakdown to remember and use as a guide when you are telling people about your faith in Jesus.
a. God- Creator, Sustainer, desires a relationship with His people
b. Sin- We are separated from God because of our sin, therefore solidifying our need for a savior.
c. Jesus- He is the only way back to God, and he offers the free gift of salvation.
d. Response- We can accept or reject that free gift.  Our choice has huge ramifications for eternity.

3.  What is your roll in the process of your friends, family, and coworkers beginning a relationship with Jesus?  Do you think you have a responsibility in that?  Nehemiah and the people viewed themselves as spiritual mail carriers.  In the temple at the worship experience, they were given the Good News, a package/letter about who God is and what He has done for people.  They then took it on as their responsibility to leave the worship experience and deliver this Good News to people that needed to receive it.  Have you delivered this Good News to anyone lately?

4.  What are some of the fears that you have that are keeping you from starting a conversation about Jesus?  (Rejection, hard questions being asked that we don't have the answers to, being politically correct, not wanting to be pushy or pressure people into something, don't know what to say).  How can your group have some accountability with one another to make sure you're sharing your story?  Would you commit to having at least one spiritual conversation this week?  Would you be willing to get a game plan together for how to live a missional life in all aspects of your life?

Closing thought:

Answer this question out loud:  "Can you really be a follower of Jesus and not tell others about Jesus?"

There are 2 explanations to why followers of Jesus don't tell other people about Jesus.
1.  They really don't know Jesus.  They may think they do, but their life hasn't been changed by Jesus.
2.  They are being disobedient.  Jesus was clear on what he has called his followers to do.

Our response to those things is to do some soul searching.  Has Jesus really changed my life?  Have I really given my life to follow him?

If so, do I need to repent over my sin of disobedience?  Do I need to be reminded of the Gospel message and how powerful and life changing it is?


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