Monday, December 30, 2013

Wrapped: Christmas Hangover

Luke 2:17-20


We have a lot of different response to the Christmas season: Entitlement (I better get what I asked for), Disappointment (I didn't get what I asked for), Gratitude (I got what I asked for), etc... Luke chapter 2 documents a response to Christmas that should be indicative of every Christians response to the birth of Jesus and the reality of the gospel: herald, meditate, worship.


-In verses 17 & 18 the shepherds natural response to encountering Jesus was to tell everyone about does this compare to your natural response to encountering Jesus?

-Verse 19 says that Mary treasured and pondered the things God had done in her heart. Was this Christmas a time of meditation for you or a time of business? Did Jesus receive time and attention in your heart or were you preoccupied with other things that prevented you from treasuring the gospel in your heart?

-Verse 20 reveals that Christmas served as a catalyst that produced praise in the hearts of the shepherds. What did the Christmas season produce in you? Praise toward God or stress due to preparation?

-Christmas is all about Jesus, did He receive the place of honor in your celebration this year? Was there worship of Jesus, teaching about Jesus, and even heightened focus on Jesus? If not, how might this be remedied?

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Wrapped: What's On God's Wishlist?

Text: Micah 6:8

1.  What are some of the lousy gifts that we try to continuously bring to God to earn his favor and approval?
What are some Gifts of Quality (vs 6)?
What are some Gifts of Quantity (vs 7a)?
What are some Gifts of great expense (vs 7b)?

2.  What are we really trying to do when we give those gifts to God?

3.  What is God's response to those incomplete gifts?

4.  What are tangible ways that we can implement vs. 8 in our lives today?
a. Act Justly
b. Love Mercy
c. Walk Humbly with God

Kids choir singing with the band!
Cookie decorating and homemade Christmas ornaments for the kids!
Christmas goodies and holiday drinks to enjoy before and after the service!
Family Friendly worship service with Christmas carols and Christmas message!

Service will be under 30 minutes, so invite your friends and family and make this a new part of your Christmas tradition!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Wrapped: Not What You Expected

Text: Luke 4:16-30

-What are some of the words people use to describe Jesus?  The people in Luke 4 viewed him simply as a doctor, a miracle worker, and a healer.  This partial viewpoint made them turn their backs on Jesus when he didn't deliver the goods.

-Have you ever been disappointed with Jesus?  Maybe he didn't answer a prayer, didn't show up when you needed help, or didn't perform how you wanted him to.  Many times we treat Jesus as Santa Claus.  "I'll be good, and you give me what I ask for."  What's the flaw in that mentality? How did Jesus morph from savior of the world to genie in a bottle?

-As Christians, how can we deal with a perceived "disappointment" when God doesn't give us what we ask for and deliver on the gifts?  How can we focus on Jesus as the gift as opposed to Jesus being the one that gives us gifts?

-Why is Emmanuel so important?  What's the big deal?  Why is it so important that Jesus came as "God with us"?

Monday, December 9, 2013

Reach this City: Stay Strong

Nehemiah 13


The people of Israel in the book of Nehemiah started out their journey to obey and worship God well. They overcame adversity, refortified Jerusalem in 52 days, re-instituted the worship of God, and re-commissioned the function of the temple. In chapters 1-12 of Nehemiah God’s people were marked by success as they listened to God and did what He said. In chapter 13 of that success unravels. The covenant that the people made with God in chapter is categorically broken and the worship of God dismissed. The denouncement of Nehemiah is not a happy one. Things started out well, but the people failed to finish well.

Apprehension Questions:

-In Nehemiah 13:1-3 & 23-27 it sounds as if God is opposed to the marriage of different racial/ethnic groups. Is this in fact what these verses mean or is there something going on beneath the surface? Why is this question important?

-Why do you think that the Israelites were successful in obeying God for a period of time, but eventually failed and broke the covenant they made with God?

-Have you ever broken a covenant you made with God/do you see this trend of temporary obedience in your own life?

-When Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem and finds the people having abandoned God and broken the covenant. His response was to re-institute the covenant and fight for the restoration of the people. Do you think that initiating another covenant immediately after the people broke the first covenant will yield a different result?

-The Old Testament seems to be replete with behavioral covenants and laws. Why did God interact with humanity this way for so long when He knew that we were incapable of keeping His laws and covenants? Read Romans 7:7-20 for assistance in answering the question above.

-How can we break the trend of temporary obedience and temporary covenant keeping in our lives and instead move forward to consistency? 


-Xmas Eve Service at REVO North at 5:00 PM.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Reach This City: Better Worship

Nehemiah 12


The walls of Jerusalem have been rebuilt, the city has been repopulated, and the church is beginning to grow. Things are going exceedingly well for the people of God and they decide to have worship/dedication service to honor and praise God for the success they've experienced.

Questions for Consideration:

-In verse 27 we see that the people had a worship service during which they gave credit and glory to God for the success of their efforts to rebuild the wall. Even though they worked hard they still ascribed credit to God for success. Do you find that you are legitimately thankful to God for what you have or is their a sense of entitlement lingering in your mind that whispers I deserve this, I worked hard for this, I accomplished this?

-In verse 30 we're told that the Levites and the priests "purified," themselves before worship. As believers in Jesus' death and resurrection we live in the reality that Jesus' has purified us such that we no longer need to make attempts to do so ourselves, but there is an important principle here. These people took time to prepare themselves before worship. Do you prepare your heart and mind for worship before the service begins or do you rush in late and flustered unprepared to hear and receive God's Word? What might it look like to prepare yourself for corporate worship?

-In verse 31 Nehemiah sends out two "great choirs" to sing and give thanks to God, yet he mentions nothing about what kind of music or songs they sang. It seems that if the kind of music employed to praise God  were important, Nehemiah would have included those details. Is the genre of music used in worship important, irrelevant, or neutral?

-Verse 43 tells us that the people made "great sacrifices," to God. Sacrifice and worship are always tethered. For what do you sacrifice, and what does it reveal about the object of you worship?


-Pray for Cuba Team