Saturday, December 14, 2013

Wrapped: Not What You Expected

Text: Luke 4:16-30

-What are some of the words people use to describe Jesus?  The people in Luke 4 viewed him simply as a doctor, a miracle worker, and a healer.  This partial viewpoint made them turn their backs on Jesus when he didn't deliver the goods.

-Have you ever been disappointed with Jesus?  Maybe he didn't answer a prayer, didn't show up when you needed help, or didn't perform how you wanted him to.  Many times we treat Jesus as Santa Claus.  "I'll be good, and you give me what I ask for."  What's the flaw in that mentality? How did Jesus morph from savior of the world to genie in a bottle?

-As Christians, how can we deal with a perceived "disappointment" when God doesn't give us what we ask for and deliver on the gifts?  How can we focus on Jesus as the gift as opposed to Jesus being the one that gives us gifts?

-Why is Emmanuel so important?  What's the big deal?  Why is it so important that Jesus came as "God with us"?


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