Saturday, March 8, 2014

Christianity 101: Time and Money

Text:  James 4:13-5:6

In this passage, James challenges the church about how they use their time and money.  Since our life is so short we must have urgency with the Gospel and with decision we need to make to Move Forward spiritually.  James also gives us some teaching on how followers of Jesus handle their finances.  James hints at the same question with both our wealth and our time:  The most important thing is to answer, "What are you going to do with it?"

1.  What has God called you to do NOW that you keep putting off until tomorrow?  What areas of your life do you need to be obedient in?  What steps of faith do you need to take now to act on the things that God has called you to do?  What spiritual things have you been promising yourself that you will start doing, only to see the deadline continued to be pushed back?  Are there areas of your life that you are trying to cram spiritually?

2. Making plans for our lives is a great, responsible thing.  However, making plans for our lives without the input and consideration of what God has called us to do is folly and disobedient.  Read Proverbs 16:9.
a.  Who is in ultimate control of our lives?
b.  Should we still plan our lives?
c.  What should we remember as we plan our lives?

3.  Three times in James 5:1-6 (1 3, and 5b), James pleads with the people to remember what's coming.  God will return and we will stand in front of him.  Our eternity is quickly approaching.  How does remembering eternity and what you are facing help you to make better decision in your life, specifically about your time and wealth?

4.  Scripture looks at us and our wealth as a middleman of sorts.  God gives us what we need, and then blesses us with excess.  Needs arise around us, and people cry out to God for help.  God then allows us to be the bearer of blessings and good news.  We get to step up and take God's money and meet needs with it.  That's a great opportunity and priveledge we have!  Explain some tangible, specific ways that you can be God's middleman this week.

Homework for this week:
a.  Open up to God, and allow the Holy Spirit to do an inspection of your life this week.  Ask God to show you what you need to change when it comes to your time and money.
b.  Look for ways to help others.  Make a list, do some research, and have your thumb on the heartbeat of the needs of the city around us.
c.  Deny yourself something to help others.  Would you be willing to give something up (a luxury or something otherwise self-indulgent) to meet a need for someone else?


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