Saturday, June 21, 2014

Breaking Point: FOCUS

Text: Daniel 1

Summary: God allows Daniel's city to be sacked, overtaken, and overthrown by a foreign government that doesn't worship God.  Daniel and his friends are taken to Babylon and are victims of human trafficking.  Everything in Daniel's life gets turned upside down and he reaches a breaking point.  Instead of focusing on his problems and letting his identity be defined by his circumstances, Daniel focuses on God and finds His identity in Him.

1.  In verse 1-2, Scripture records that God "allowed" His people in His city to be taken captive.  Why would God allow bad things to happen, especially to His people?  (to teach them something, to draw them closer to Himself, to simply give them what they are asking for and allow them to reap the negative consequences of their sin).

What is God's desired response from us when we encounter hardships in life?  (seeking Him, turning away from our sin and coming back to Him, growing our relationship with Him, gaining more intimacy with Him, seeing our own folly in the bad decisions we've made and in return learning to trust in Him more).

2.  When you are at your breaking point, what happens when you start focusing on your problem?  (it consumes you, it depresses you, it discourages you, and overwhelms you).

What happens when we focus on God instead of our current situation?  (it helps put things in perspective of how big and grand God is compared to our situation, it reminds us who is in control, and it redirects our trust to the savior as oppose to the situation).

3.  Read verse 9.  When Daniel chose to focus on God, God gave Daniel favor, compassion, and elevated him above his circumstances.  What does verse 9 mean for us today?

4.  Read verse 10.  What are your most common doubters and haters when you decide to move forward in your relationship with God and fully focus on Him?  Does the discouragement come from the outside?  Or does the doubt creep in from inside because of the lack of dedication and failed attempts in your life in the past?  How can you put those doubts aside and continue to be faithful?


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