Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day Momisms


Timothy's grandmother and mother are to be praised for having laid a foundation for Timothy that set him on a trajectory for "spiritual beasthood." They did this specifically by teaching him the sacred writings (the Old Testament). In the questions below we will seek to go deeper into the Sundays text. 

 Questions (*indicates assistance with answers):

1-According to verses 14 and 15 Timothy's grandmother and mother taught him the sacred writings (that's the Old Testament). Based on your understanding of the Old Testament, what kinds of things might Lois and Eunice have taught Timothy?

          *The Holiness of God-The holy standard of God-the holy wrath of God toward mans sin.

2-Why should those themes (the holiness of God and His wrath toward sin) make it into our biblical vocabulary as we talk with our kids/anyone about God?

          *It is God's holiness that makes Him mesmerizing...without holiness God neither deserves or receives our attention, our infatuation, or our lives. If we cast a vision of a holy God, transcendent, massive, beyond us in every way, we've given people something at which to marvel. We visit the grand canyon because it "transcends" us...we are intrigued by the ocean because of its massive expanse...mountain ranges capture our attention because of their much more should the Creator of these things enthrall us? Teaching our kids the holiness of God gives them something worth while at which (or in this case, "at whom") to marvel.

3-Read verse 15. How does the old testament make one wise for salvation?

*Without God's holiness and wrath toward sin you don't need a Gospel that offers salvation. The only way to "prime the pump" or "make one wise for salvation" is to first establish their need for the salvation that is being offered. The Old Testament does this quite well.

4-Based on your reading of verses 16 and 17 what is it that will help our kids (and ourselves for that matter) become "Timothys" (by that I mean people of godly character who are willing to sacrifice for the sake of the gospel, 2 Tim.3:12)?

*Scripture has the power to help make us "Timothy's"...memorize it, meditate on it, do what it says!


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