Saturday, July 25, 2015

BODY PARTS: Go or Stay

Summary: In Scripture we see that the first step to seeing someone's life changed by Jesus is to actually GO.  None of the other steps in the process can be accomplished if people aren't willing to first step up and go.

Text: Romans 10:13-15 and 2 Corinthians 5:18

1. Read Romans 10:13-15
a. What are the 6 "phases" that provide a great strategy for seeing life change through Jesus? (Go, Tell, Hear, Believe, Call on Jesus, and life change through Jesus).

b.  Which of those have you done in the past?  What are the easier phases for you?  Which are the most difficult phases?

c.  Think about your own testimony and how you came to be a follower of Jesus.  Share some of the details of how you remember these phases happening in your own story of life change.

2.  Read 2 Corinthians 5:18 and John 20:21
a. What is the gift that God gave you?  In return, what is the responsibility that God has given to us?

b.  What does it mean to "reconcile" people back to God?  Have you ever done that personally?  How can you do that?

c.  What does it mean that Jesus is "sending" you?  Where is he sending you to?  What are you suppose to do?  Why is he sending you?

Here are 4 easy steps you can take to Move Forward this week:
a. Pray for God to Send People.  Read Matthew 9:37-38.  Stop right now as a group and spend some time praying for God to send more people out to tell others about Jesus!

b. Give to Help Others Go.  Read 3 John 1:8.
-Are there friends of yours that you can help?
-Has anyone in the group ever been helped by others financially to Go?
-How did God use that to help other people hear about Him?

c. Step Out in Faith.  Read Isaiah 6:8.
-Would you be willing to pray a very dangerous and exciting prayer like "Here I am God, send me"?
-What is the biggest thing that God is looking for when he uses people in powerful ways to get other people to Himself?  (Availability).
-What's the difference between availability and ability?
-Why is it so encouraging for us that God is taking volunteers based on availability instead of ability? (means He can use anyone and that everyone has a role to play if you're willing to step out in faith).
-Does anyone have a story of how God used them after they took a step out on faith?

d. Go Where You Can Now. Read Luke 8:39
-What can you do NOW to say yes to Jesus when he says Go?
-Where is your mission field as a parent, worker, church member, boss, leader, or follower of Jesus?


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