Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Changed Series - Chase and Kelley Lambert

This guide is a tool to help you facilitate discussion with your rGroup. Use it to lead your group in discovering, owning, and applying God’s Word. This is a flexible tool, not a rigid task list. Follow the Holy Spirit’s lead as you lead your group. You don’t need to ask every question.

Kelley said that she experienced change in how she responded to God during difficult situations and closed doors. How do you respond to God when you receive an answer that you don't like or didn't expect? What does a God honoring response look like?

When you are facing insurmountable odds and difficult circumstances, who are the people in your life who you turn to for support? Do you have a support group? How can our rGroup do a better job of playing that role for one another?

Kelley and Chase mentioned that serving in small capacities prepared their hearts and minds to take a leap of faith and try something that looks very daunting. What are some opportunities to serve that you can take advantage of where you are in your life right now? Where can you use the abilities, resources, and opportunities unique to your situation right now? Can you imagine what God might do with those opportunities down the road a little?
  • Examples: New Orleans missions trip, sponsoring a child through Compassion International, serving with volunteer team at REVO, coaching a little league soccer team, 

In what way is God calling you to step out on faith this week? How can you start to move forward with that this week?


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