Sunday, November 20, 2016

Whole 'Nother Level: Famous Last Words

Read Joshua 24:14–16

Scripture Summary:

God has demonstrated His power and faithfulness throughout the book of Joshua. He's fulfilled EVERY promise he made, and has won EVERY battle He has fought. Now at the conclusion of the book (chapter 24), He asks Israel and us to reaffirm the most important decision of our lives: "Choose for yourselves whom you will serve today" (v. 15).

Group Discussion:

Part 1: Remembering Who God Is and What He's Done

As we've gone through the book of Joshua, what was your favorite story/detail/situation of how God demonstrated His power?

Who can share a great example of how God showed His faithfulness to the Israelites from the book of Joshua?

(If your group struggles to remember examples of God's power and faithfulness in Joshua, use this opportunity to ask them why they've forgotten.)

Why do you think God recites Israel's history from beginning to end in verses 1–13?

Would anyone like to share a story of how you saw God demonstrate His power in your life in 2016?

How has God proven His faithfulness to you this year?

Part 2: Responding to Who God Is and What He's Done

Notice that God said "choose" in verse 15. God has given us the ability to make choices. What are some dangers this freedom to choose could present?

Why does God let us choose?

Whether we realize it or not, we make the choice of who we will serve every day. Who is usually your choice, and why?

If someone else that knows you very well listed your top 3 to 5 priorities (based on your actions) in order, what would that list be? Are you happy with that order?

Joshua and the Israelites repeat the word serve 13 times in verses 14–27. Why is this a good word to describe our duty to God?

How does remembering who God is and what He's done help with your decision of whom to serve?

Why might serving the Lord seem undesirable to the Israelites (v. 15)?

In what ways is serving the Lord difficult for you?

What makes serving God worthwhile?


Serve Hard is one of our five Core Values at Revo Church. Serving makes the list because we aren't anything like Jesus if we aren't serving. The word "hard" follows it because even Jesus knew it was hard to serve, yet he did it to the fullest.

Serving God and others should be a Core Value to all Christians. Meaning, no matter what, serving is something you'll always hold true to and will build your foundation upon. However, this isn't easy to do.

Pray that God will give you the courage to rise to the daily challenge of serving Him. Ask other people to hold you accountable.


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