Sunday, January 29, 2017

Annual Growth: The Same or Different?

Read Acts 2:42

This verse of Scripture is a beautiful picture to us of what ordinary life looked like for the early church. Once they became followers of Jesus, their lives changed, and they became devoted to new things.

Before we go all spiritual, let's just talk about "devotion" in general. What's one thing you would say you're totally devoted to?

If you weren't so devoted to the thing you mentioned (assuming it's a good thing), why would it not be nearly as fun, effective or rewarding?

Now, let's get back to Acts 2:42 and discuss what we as Christians should be devoted to.

What were the 4 things the church became devoted to?

1. The apostles' teaching (which is now scripture, and to discipleship)
2. Fellowship (community with other followers of Jesus)
3. Breaking of bread (sharing/hospitality with all people)
4. Prayer (constant communication with God)

Devoted to the Apostles' Teaching

Do you meet with God on a regular basis?

What is your routine of devotion to scripture? What kinds of things do you do to be devoted to reading and learning from God's Word?

Would you say you are devoted to scripture? Would anyone that knows you well say that you are devoted to reading and depending on God's word?

If you're devoted to God's Word, at what point would you say you should start intentionally discipling others from the knowledge and experience you've gained?

Devoted to Fellowship

What is fellowship? And what is the value of it?

Why does the church break down if it is not devoted to fellowship?

Do you know what the definition of an rGroup is? What's an rGroup?
People who regularly meet and participate in activities together with the goal of experiencing spiritual growth.

What's the vision of rGroups?
Communities (aka fellowship) that change lives.

How can your devotion to fellowship/community with your rGroup be vital to one another's walk with Jesus?

Devoted to the Breaking of Bread

We break the bread to split it up and share with those around us. So, how do you share your life with those around you?

Should we only spend our life with Christians? Why not? Jesus didn't. Why?

Jesus loved hanging out with sinners, and they loved hanging out with him! Would you say you are like Jesus?

How can you be more like Jesus in this area?

Devoted to Prayer

Why did they devote themselves to prayer?

What would you say is the opposite of being devoted to prayer?

Self-reliance is the opposite of a prayer to God. What areas in your life do you need to stop relying on yourself to achieve and devote to prayer?


Which of the 4 areas of church life are you strong in?

Which of the 4 areas of church life do you need to grow in?

In light of this picture of what the church is to be about, is there anything God is calling you to do or engage in?

What will you do to go from dabbling to devoted?

Who will you ask to keep you accountable to these things?


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