Sunday, May 7, 2017

I Just Want to be Happy: Key to Happiness in Conflict (Humility)

Read Philippians 2:1–11.

Also read Matthew 20:26-27 and Matthew 23:12.

It seems these days that the word "great" is used for everything. Because the word is used so loosely, it is important to know what Jesus had to say about being "great". We're going to discuss the path to greatness (happiness), and it just might surprise you.

Why is it so easy to talk about our strengths and successes but hard to talk about our weaknesses and failures?

In Philippians 2:1-2, list all the words that describe the results of being "in Christ". What do you think it means to be "like-minded?" With your husband? With the men/women in your group? With your church?

Pride is the root of most conflict and frustration. Humility is the root of most peace and happiness.

In Philippians 2:3-4, Paul challenges us to "consider others better than yourselves". From your every day life, what are some ways you could put this into practice? Get specific.

How did Jesus exemplify the teachings of Philippians 2:4? (Answer is in vs 6-8.)

What is the reason Paul gives for humbling ourselves and seeing others as above us? (Because that's what Jesus did for you... See vs 5)

In Philippians 2:5-8, make a list of all the words and phrases that paint a picture of Jesus' humility.

What are some other passages or stories that demonstrate the humility of Jesus?

How can we have the mindset of Christ?

Who do you know that is a good example of humility? How is that evidenced in their life?

Read Philippians 2:5-11. What in this passage helps us see that Jesus was both fully God and fully man?

What would it look like for you to demonstrate your family?

...on the job? your most difficult relationship?

Live It Out:

Identify someone who has humbled themselves to serve you. Reach out to them this week and thank them for serving you.

Identify a person in your life you could serve. Find a way to unselfishly serve that person this week. Come prepared next week to share what you did.

Pray about ways you can show more humility in your day-to-day routine. Ask God to show you any areas where there needs to be more humility.


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