Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's Day: Desperate Housewives

Matthew 15:21-28

v 21-22 - The Gentile woman came to Jesus with her plea the first chance she got. When you're desperate for something from God, how do you typically go about that? For instance, how quickly do you go to God? How often? How long? How desperate do you get with Him? etc.

The woman came to Jesus on behalf of her daughter. Who is someone that you have desperately or constantly gone to God for?

v 23a - This woman was panicked, begging and pleading Jesus to respond, but Jesus was silent. How was Jesus not really ignoring her, but already involved in His work?

v 23b - Jesus' disciples got annoyed with her begging and tried to get her to go away. What kind of obstacles have deterred you from pursuing your faith? How can you overcome them?

v 24 - What happens when God says no to you?

v 25 - This woman shows great persistence in her faith and pursuit of Jesus. What's an area in your life where you need to become more persistent and not give up on pursuing God?

v 26 - Jesus says no to her request again. How can (or do) you worship God when you don't feel "blessed"?

v 27 - She's willing to take the little scraps from Jesus. How far will you go just to see God do one "little" thing in your life?

v 28 - Jesus says, "your faith is great." Describe what you believe it will take for God to say the same about you.

How do you think God is testing your faith right now? (or) What did this story teach you about your faith?

Next Steps:

Read Hebrews 11:6. How can you apply this verse to your life?

Write a brief prayer asking God to nurture in your life the kind of faith and persistence demonstrated by the Gentile woman.

Write down and commit to one step of great (persistent) faith you can take this week.


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