Sunday, February 10, 2019

Jailbreak: Here's What It Takes

Galatians 1:10-24

Scripture Discussion & Application:

Read Galatians 1:10

Paul started out the text with an observation: your desire for approval from others will limit your ability to be used by God.

What are some ways that people show that they crave the approval and affirmation of others?

Have you ever faced a time in your faith where your desire to be obedient to God caused you to lose approval/affirmation of your friends?

When Paul started to influence and impact people, he immediately faced opposition over it.
Have you ever faced a negative consequence for doing the right thing?
Have you ever faced opposition from people over your faith?
For some, opposition energizes them and gives them more boldness. For others, opposition discourages them and causes them to be timid. What is your typical response to the opposition that you have faced in your life?

Read Galatians 1:11-16

Paul loved to share his story with others. It challenged other people, but also served as an encouragement to himself.

Have you ever shared your story of life change through Jesus?

What specific part of your story do you think could relate to people the most?

What part of your story is the most encouraging to you when you take time to remember what God has done for you?

Read Galatians 1:17

Before Paul was used to write the majority of the New Testament and plant churches all over the known world, he had some growth that needed to happen in his life through a time of teaching and pruning.

What are the 1-2 small steps that you need to take in order to keep growing in your relationship with God? (Use these as some possibilities: prayer, reading Scripture, sharing your story, serving others, being generous with my finances, using my gifts in the local church to help others, etc.)
Early in his ministry, Paul went back to Damascus. It was the location that marked one of the darkest times in his life (in Acts 9, he was headed there to kill Christians).
How has God used some of your biggest failures to help you learn, grow, and become more like Jesus?
How can God use those dark times in your past to remind you of his love, faithfulness, and calling that He has for your life?

Read Galatians 1:21-23

Paul was faithful in the little things in his life, and God opened up some great opportunities for him later on in life.

What "small opportunity" do you have right now to be faithful and obedient with in your life?

Why do so many people neglect the small opportunities they have every day?

How to Pray This Week:

Confess to God the instances in your life where you've valued other people's approval over obedience to Him.

Pray for boldness to share your story with others that God has placed in your life.

Commit to God that you will take the opportunities He gives you to be faithful and obedient with your life.


On Sunday, February 3rd, we began an 8-week study of the book of Galatians and we are challenging ourselves to read along in Galatians during the week as we go. Turns out there are 6 chapters in Galatians, so we'd love for you to join us by reading one chapter of Galatians each day Monday–Friday each week during the 8-week study.

If you do, then at the end you'll have read through the book 8 times, heard 8 sermons on it, and had 8 opportunities to discuss it in rGroups if your rGroup follows our sermon series. We hope you'll lean into this challenge and encourage your group to do so as well and that God will speak to you powerfully along the way!


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