Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter 2019

Matthew 9:9-13


Jesus said in verse 13 that He came to call sinners. Who is a sinner? What would you say if you were explaining who a sinner is to someone?

Scripture Discussion:

What groups would Jesus be likely to seek out today? Do you seek out the same kinds of groups? Why or why not?

Why would Jesus seek the most hated person in Jewish society to join His mission?

Can you think of a profession today, that if someone from that profession came to our church, they would be shunned? Why would they, or why would they not, be accepted?

Why would the Pharisees be puzzled about Jesus' excellent teaching, yet crazy behavior of hanging out with sinners? Can you think of some modern-day "crazy behaviors" that would be radical, but Scriptural, and still not accepted in most churches?

What is it about Jesus' words, Follow me, that cause some to respond with passion, and others to run away in anger?

Matthew gave up a lucrative job to follow Jesus. Would you leave a "six-figure" job if that's what Jesus called you to do? Why, or why not? What would be your motivation to stay at your "good job?"

Matthew actually got up and followed! What is the cause and motivation for you to get up and follow Christ?

Matthew saw what he was going to gain! What did you see when you came to Christ?

Why do you suppose that most people only see what they will leave behind?

How can you seek out people whom the church would call sinners, or unworthy to approach (remember we're all sinners), so you and our church could build a relationship with them?

Next Steps:

What is in the way of your responding to the Follow me call? How can you deal with it now?

What people do you know are waiting for an invitation, but we like the Pharisees think would not at all be interested in spiritual things so you haven't invited them to follow Christ or even come to church?


Prayers to Love Big

1. Confess to the Lord if you are prejudiced against any individuals or groups, and for you to become more like Him in thought, word and deed.

2. Pray for Jesus to help you love people without exception; especially the weak and the vulnerable, the sick and the sinner.


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