Sunday, October 27, 2019

Esther Week 2 - CONDITIONS


1- Would you rather live without heating/air conditioning in your home, or live without your smartphone? Why?
2- Would you rather follow every single law (including speed limits) perfectly, but get falsely accused of breaking laws or break every single law, but never get caught?


We should not need conditions in order to take opportunities to obey God. Esther struggled to see how God could use her position as Queen to save the lives of her people. Luckily, Mordecai was there to point out how God was moving in her life. Following Jesus helps us realize areas of our life where God is working. True followers of Jesus, follow no matter where it might lead or what it might cost. 


3- What are some ways that you have tried to negotiate with God or put conditions on your obedience? (e.g. “God I will give more money to charity, if you help me get this job promotion.”)

Esther 2:16-18
As Long As I’m Blessed, I’m In.

4- Let’s brag on God! Share with the group about a time in your life where God blessed you despite your shortcomings. 

5- Why do you think it is easy to obey when everything is going well for us? On the flip side, why do you think it’s hard to obey during difficult times?

6- How have you conditioned your obedience to God based on there being “something in it for you?” How can you combat that way of thinking this week?

Esther 4:11
As Long As It Doesn’t Cost Me, I’m In. 

7- Why do you think we are quick to abandon anything that could cost us or cause discomfort?

8- Think about your life right now. Where might God be calling you to obedience? Is there a cost for that obedience? If so, what is it? 

9- In the past, have you ever chosen to obey God despite the consequences it may have for your life? Share the story with your group. 

Esther 4:16
I’m In. Period. 

Esther changed her mind all of a sudden and was willing to die for her people. Just a few verses before she wasn’t so sure. Read Esther 4:12-16 as a group.

10- In your opinion, what about Mordecai’s words helped persuade Esther? 

Reread verse 14. Mordecai says that if Esther doesn’t help out the Jews, someone else will. God might be giving you an opportunity for obedience, so that He can use you for great things! But if you won’t, someone else will. 

11- How can knowing God doesn’t need you, yet He still wants to use you, encourage you? 
  • Leader Note: More on this in the ‘additional study’ section. 

Next Steps:

12- Name a few opportunities for obedience God has given you right now. How can you live that out this week? 

13- Do you have a Mordecai in your life? Someone who can help you recognize God as moving when you may struggle to notice? If so, who? If not, how could you try to find someone like that? 

Additional Study: 

Read Acts 17:24-25. Paul says that God cannot be served by human hands because He does not need anything. In this context, Paul is specifically talking about God not being pleased with nor residing in temples built by humans. However, it would not be a stretch to say that God cannot be pleased by the other things in life we try to ‘build’ for God. 

14- If God does not need us to serve Him, then why should we? 
  • Leader Note: We serve out of an overflow of our own gratitude to God for what we has done our own behalf. Additionally, we are commanded by God to love and serve Him. Use this question to penetrate deep into the motives of the group. Talk about the why behind our actions not just the what. 

15- How have you attempted to erect a temple of good deeds for God? Read Ephesians 2:8-10 as a group. How does knowing that you are “God’s handiwork” through grace encourage you?


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