Icebreaker: What is your most prized possession? If your house was burning down and you could only save a few items, what is the thing you value most and would want to save?
1- What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of worship? Why do you think that is?
2- Why do you think worship is important enough to be a Hill We Die On as Christians?
READ John 12:1-3
3- Have you ever seen someone do something crazy/mind-blowing for God like Mary did in verse 3? Share that story with the group.
4- Why do you think Mary was willing to pour out very expensive perfume on Jesus?
5- What is Jesus worth to you? What is something that if Jesus said give up “____” for me, you couldn’t do it?
- Leader Note: This question comes with a large helping of awkward silence. It’s a very personal question, but as we near the end of season 1 it’s time to dig deeper and be more authentic with our group. Allow the room to be silent if necessary and if you feel the need, lead the way and share one of your own personal struggles.
READ John 12:4-6
6- How does Judas’ comment demonstrate what Jesus is worth to him?
7- How can sin in our own life demonstrate what Jesus is worth to us?
READ John 12:7-8
8- Jesus doesn’t want the opinion of others to take away from our worship of Him. How do you worship Jesus? How are we tempted to allow other people to stop us from worshipping Jesus in that way?
9- Our worship shows what Jesus is worth to us. In what areas, do you struggle to worship Him and need to ask Jesus to show you how much He is worth?
- Leader Note: This question is similar to number 5. It’s very personal and requires some brutal honesty. If needed, allow the room to be quiet for a few moments. The best way to approach questions like these, is by praying for the Holy Spirit to guide your group during difficult discussion.
READ John 12:9-11
10- Lazarus’ resurrection story got him put on the Jewish Leaders’ most wanted list. What is your individual testimony of Jesus rescuing you from death to life? How can you better demonstrate what Jesus is worth to you by sharing your story with others?
11- What has been the most helpful thing you have learned about worship this week? How can you apply that truth to your life?
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