Sunday, November 29, 2020

Anchored Week 4


Icebreaker: Talk about this past Thanksgiving holiday. What did you do and what was your favorite part?

1- What is something that you're really good at? How did you get good at it? 

2- Who is your best friend? How did you become such good friends? 

Most things we do well and our best relationships have the same thing in common: each takes time.

READ Ephesians 3:16-19

3- What stands out to you about this prayer from Paul?

4- What does it mean to have Christ dwell in your heart through faith? Do you treat Jesus more like a visitor in your life or a permanent resident? 

5- How do you think a person grows deep in their relationship with Jesus? 

6- What do you think it means to be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God? Do you know someone who seems to live like that? What makes that type of life attractive

7- Growing deep to live a full life takes time. What are you doing now to work towards that? 

8- In what ways can you use your time better to grow deeper in the things that matter most?

If there are any ways that REVO can help, email

Monday, November 23, 2020

Anchored Week 3

 Icebreaker: Based off what you know about heaven, what are you looking forward to most?

In this parable for our study today, Jesus is talking about the Kingdom of Heaven. 

1- When you hear the words Kingdom of Heaven, what do you think that means? 

READ Matthew 25:14-15

2- Who does everything we have ultimately belong to? How does that change your perspective on your life? 

3- Does verse 15 seem unfair to you that the man gave certain people more and certain less? Knowing that the master in the story is an allusion to God, how does this truth challenge or enhance your view of God?

READ Matthew 25:16-18

4- Who do you know that's a good example of using the life and gifts God has given them like the first 2 servants? What makes them a good example?

5- Who do you know that's a bad example of using the life and gifts God has given them like the last servant? What makes them a bad example in contrast to the good examples?

READ Matthew 25:19-23

6- Think about your own life, gifts, time, talents, etc. If Jesus came back today, would you receive the "well done" greeting? Why or why not? 

READ Matthew 25:24-27

7- We all have areas where we are like the last servant: afraid to turn it over to God and use that certain area for His glory. What area is that for you? Why is it hard for you to use that well?

8- How do you think a person's view of God affects the way they use the things God has given them? 

9- What practical next steps can you take this next week to better steward what God has given you? (Or in other words, how can you improve on your answer to #7?)

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Anchored Week 2


Icebreaker: What is your favorite story? (movie, book, family story, etc.)

Today, we are studying one of the most famous stories ever told: The Good Samaritan

1- When you hear the words "Good Samaritan" what do you think of? How would you define a "Good Samaritan"? 

2- Have you ever been on the receiving end of a stranger's act of kindness? 

READ Luke 10:25

3- If someone asked you this question, how would you answer? 

READ Luke 10:29

4- If someone asked you this, what would your response be?

READ Luke 10:30-35

5- What stands out to you about this story?

6- Notice how each person (the priest, Levite, and Samaritan) all saw the man in need. What needs do you see around you in your daily life? What about in REVO church? 

7- Only one person noticed and did something about it. With the needs you noted in the last question, how do you think God might be calling you to act?

8- The Good Samaritan used his time and his resources to serve the man in need. When you serve, do you normally serve with your time, resources or both? Why? 

9- What's a next step for you to take this week as you think about REVO's core value of serving hard? 

Leader Huddle Season 3 - wk. 11


Here's some questions to ask your group these next few week to get feedback on the past season:

  • What was good about this season of rGroups that you would like to continue?
  • What could we as an rGroup improve?
  • Consider your expectations for what an rGroup is. Did this meet those expectations? Why or why not?
  • Was the content we studied helpful? What would you keep? What would you change?
  • How was the communication for this rGroup? How can we do better?

As a reminder, here's some questions for our upcoming Leader Dinner. We want to hear all feedback, so write your thoughts down if that's helpful!

  • What went well over the past few seasons?
  • What did not go well over the past few seasons?
  • Think about the online video content:
    • What was the good?
    • What was the bad?
    • Do you want us to continue it? If so, any content/topic suggestions?
  • Think about the sermon blog:
    • How were the questions?
    • Were there too few questions or too many?
    • Any suggestions to make it better?
  • Do you watch the Leader Huddle? Why or why not?
    • If not, how can we make it more useful so that you want to watch it?
    • Or should we just scrap it?
  • How was the communication for this season? Does email work best for you? How can we improve our communication as a leadership team?

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Emergency News Conference

Will you be a proactive or reactive leader? Your answer could be the difference between awkward confrontations and awesome conversation.

Here is the link to the other leader huddle I mention in the video:


Anchored Week 1

 Icebreaker: For the next few weeks we are looking at the biblical basis for REVO's Core Values. Share how you involved at REVO. 


1- How would you define the word "love"?

2- What do you think REVO Church means by saying a core value is "love big"?

READ Matthew 20:29-31

3- Why do you think the men called to Jesus asking for mercy instead of physical healing? 

4- What needs are there around you calling for your attention?

5- What would meeting those needs practically look like? 

6- What things in your life silence those needs and distract you from them?

READ Matthew 20:32

7- What do you think about Jesus' question to the men? 

8- When there is someone around you who needs something what is your first response? In what ways could a question like Jesus asked be a good response for you to emulate? 

READ Matthew 20:33-34

9- What do you think it looks like to have compassion on the needs that surround you each day? 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Leader Huddle Live from Matthew's Pantry


Consider some of these questions before our Dinner Debrief on Nov. 22nd. We will talk about them and go over your thoughts at our dinner.

  • What went well over the past few seasons?
  • What did not go well over the past few seasons?
  • Think about the online video content:
    • What was the good?
    • What was the bad?
    • Do you want us to continue it? If so, any content/topic suggestions?
  • Think about the sermon blog:
    • How were the questions?
    • Were there too few questions or too many?
    • Any suggestions to make it better?
  • Do you watch the Leader Huddle? Why or why not?
    • If not, how can we make it more useful so that you want to watch it?
    • Or should we just scrap it?


1- Have you ever heard the story of Jonah and the whale before? What do you know about it?

We're going to be looking at a story from Jonah's life and Paul's life to contrast their response to negative situations.

READ Jonah 4

2- Have you ever been mad at God for allowing someone to get away with doing bad and giving them grace? How have you seen God do that in your life? 

3- Think about times where something happened that made you live in discomfort. How did you respond to God during that time? 

READ Acts 17:22-28

4- Where do you have your most interactions with non-Christians? Have you ever talked about your faith around them? If so, how did the conversation go?

In Acts 17, Paul is preaching to people who believe differently than him, desiring that they know God.

5- What is your response when people believe/think differently than you? Why?

6- Think about the most outrageous moral issue in your opinion, one where you are 99.9% sure you are right. You don't have to share the issue with the group, but talk about how you think you would react to someone on the opposite side joining your rGroup.

7- Look again at verse 25-27. Paul's hope is that these people would be saved. Who in your life do you desire for them to be saved? How are you praying for them and evangelizing them? 

READ Acts 17:30

8- A message of repentance was the same message Jonah preached. What does it mean to repent? When is the last time you repented? 

Optional:: During election week, especially in the middle of a pandemic, it is tempting to pray for a candidate that will suit your beliefs. But Acts 17:25 says that God's purposes are not served by human hands, even the hands of the President of the United States. If you feel like your group is close enough relationally to do this, have a time of prayer and repentance that God would change our hearts and heal our land through His purposes and in His timing.