Sunday, November 15, 2020

Leader Huddle Season 3 - wk. 11


Here's some questions to ask your group these next few week to get feedback on the past season:

  • What was good about this season of rGroups that you would like to continue?
  • What could we as an rGroup improve?
  • Consider your expectations for what an rGroup is. Did this meet those expectations? Why or why not?
  • Was the content we studied helpful? What would you keep? What would you change?
  • How was the communication for this rGroup? How can we do better?

As a reminder, here's some questions for our upcoming Leader Dinner. We want to hear all feedback, so write your thoughts down if that's helpful!

  • What went well over the past few seasons?
  • What did not go well over the past few seasons?
  • Think about the online video content:
    • What was the good?
    • What was the bad?
    • Do you want us to continue it? If so, any content/topic suggestions?
  • Think about the sermon blog:
    • How were the questions?
    • Were there too few questions or too many?
    • Any suggestions to make it better?
  • Do you watch the Leader Huddle? Why or why not?
    • If not, how can we make it more useful so that you want to watch it?
    • Or should we just scrap it?
  • How was the communication for this season? Does email work best for you? How can we improve our communication as a leadership team?


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