Sunday, January 10, 2021

Just Pray - Week 1

Icebreaker: Tell the group about one of the fun things you did during the holidays and the rGroup off-season in December.

Group Leaders: Be sure to emphasize plugging into 21 Days of Prayer with your rGroup - especially during this sermon series on prayer. REVO has tried to make it easily accessible through the app, so don't forget to download it and tell your group members to do the same!

1- When you think of prayer, what comes to your mind? Why? 

2- Judgement free zone! How often do you pray? Why do you think you pray that often?

READ Luke 18:9-13

3- Being self-righteous is to be confident and put trust in the way you live your life. How do you think that plays out in your life? 

4- Why do you think Jesus would tell this story to people who were self-righteous? 

5- How did the Pharisee see himself before God? In what ways can you have those same tendencies in the way you see yourself?

6- How did the tax collector see himself before God? In what ways can you have those same tendencies in the way you see yourself? 

7- Why do you think the way that you view yourself is important to prayer? What is the point Jesus is trying to make in regard to this?  

READ Luke 18:14

8- How does Jesus summarize the meaning of this parable? How do you think this affects prayer?

READ Hebrews 4:16

9- This verse tells us that because of Jesus' work on our behalf, we can approach God through prayer with confidence. What do you think the relationship is between confident prayer and humble prayer? How do you think you it is possible to do both? 

10- How can the rGroup help hold you accountable to pray each of the 21 days? 


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