Saturday, September 24, 2011

Talking points for September 25

  1. What is your gut reaction to difficult situations?  Is is to smile and keep going, wallow in your own self pity, pretend like it's not that big of a deal and try to ignore it, or do you try to confront it, process it, learn from it, and move on?  What are the dangers of pushing your problems inward and ignoring them? 
  2. When was the last time I was rebuked by someone I know (Ecclesiastes 7:5-6)? How did I respond? When in my life have the “wounds of a friend” proved to be faithful and beneficial? Read Proverbs 27:6; cf. Psalm 141:5 and Proverbs 20:30. Which is harder for me: to rebuke a friend or to be rebuked by a friend? Do I view confrontation as a positive thing or a negative thing? 
  3. What types of situations make me impatient or angry (7:8-9)?  How have I reacted foolishly in my anger? How can I learn to control my ungodly anger? Read James 1:19
  4. How has God used suffering in my life to improve my character? What is the worst trial I have ever encountered? How did God mature me through this ordeal? Read Romans 8:28-29. How has God used me to comfort or encourage someone else as a result of my suffering? Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-4.  This will be a great question to go through with your group.  It'll tell a lot about each person, what they are going through, and their process of handling diversity.  Listen to them carefully so you can know how to minister to, love on, and help them move forward in their life. 
  5. Put yourself in Solomon's situation.  If God asked you what was the one thing you desired, what would you tell him?  Honestly, would wisdom even be on the radar?  Rate these things in the order that you think you would have requested them. 
good job
lots of friends
good reputation
Solomon states that without first obtaining godly wisdom, all of these other things are just a waste that you will blow through foolishly and will leave you empty and searching.  So what are you spending your time, energy, and efforts chasing?  In the end, what will those things give you?

This week, pray this prayer and listen to God's response. "God, what are you trying to teach me right now?" Whether it's a good day or a bad day, don't waste the chance to learn from it.  God may have you in the middle of something right now that is simply preparing you for what He has next.  Don't get so focused on the destination that you miss what God is trying to teach you through the journey.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Word Night, September 18 - September 22

1. Do I love money and abundance (5:10)? How does this manifest itself in my life? How have I grown dissatisfied with my income and possessions? Read Matthew 6:24; 16:261 Timothy 6:10; and Hebrews 13:5. At what point in my life have I been the most content? In what ways am I currently learning contentment? Read Philippians 4:11-12.

2. Now that I am financially well off, have my friends increased (5:11; cf. Proverbs 14:20)? Why or why not? Would these people still remain my friends if I lost all of my wealth tomorrow? Would they be around if I had serious needs? Is being wealthy all that I thought it was cracked up to be? Am I happier than I have ever been or was I better off when I didn’t have as much (5:12)? When was I more satisfied (cf. 5:10)?

3. How have I been guilty of hoarding my wealth (5:13)? How have I seen my riches fail me (5:14)? What will I leave behind when I die (5:15-16)? How can I become a generous and cheerful giver? Read 2 Corinthians 9:6.

4. What makes your heart glad? Is it money, possessions, pleasure, or success? The message of the Bible is that we have been saved to have a relationship with God (John 10:10; 17:3). Our purpose in being is to come to know Him. Augustine (354-430) once said, “Our hearts are restless, until they rest in You.” How have I found this to be true in my own life?

5. How is my work and my wealth a part of fulfilling God’s eternal plan for my life and His kingdom (5:18-20)? Read 1 Corinthians 3:8, 14 and 15:58. How am I thankful for my job and my money? What steals away my contentment and joy?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Autumn Serve Hard Opportunities

Hey rLeaders!

As we're getting set up in our new rGroups, I thought I'd share some info with you about possible Serve Hard opportunities in the next few months. If you're looking for ideas—or better yet, if you'd like to do some volunteering beyond the partnerships your groups are starting to form with REVO community partners—well, here you go!

These are some awesome places where we can Love Big while we Serve Hard!
Oct. 13th — Publicity and facilitation at the "Invisible Children" event.
Oct. 16th — Volunteer at the Crop Hunger Walk

Volunteer at the Rescue Mission for their Thanksgiving Day dinner or sponsor a table for $220.80 (which will feed 115 people!)

Keep checking back for more SERVE opportunities.