Sunday, November 18, 2012

Super Church: Be

Begin by reading Mark 6:1-13.

-Does this text teach that we have the power to hinder Jesus’ ability to perform miracles?

-If not, then what does verse 5 really mean?

-Is it unhealthy for faith to be built solely on what God has done for you? What are the negative repercussions of faith that is grounded in how God has blessed you in the past?

-If healthy faith is rooted in who Jesus is rather than what He has done, how do we get and keep strong faith?

-In verses 7-8 Jesus sends the disciples out without any tangible provisions. What was the point of this?

Bring it Home:

-What did this text teach you about God?

-What did this text teach you about yourself?

-What are you going to do about it?


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