Sunday, November 4, 2012

Super Church: Go

-The Great Commission is for every follower of Jesus. Do you think of yourself as sent out by Jesus? Or does this escape your everyday thinking?

-Do you live strategically? (Intentionally pursuing Gospel centered conversations or do you just wait for someone to bring it up, ask the question, etc…) We should be deliberate, intentional, proactive, insert actions word here. 

-Pastor Paul said that the same Gospel that makes disciples matures disciples. What does this mean, and how does it flesh out?

-Mature disciples embrace the great commission and live strategically. If these are marks of maturity how are you doing? (If you’re doing well don’t feel like you’re self-righteous to say so. Let others be encouraged by your growth!)

Lets get practical:

-What did this text teach you about God?

-What did this text teach you about yourself?

-What are you going to do about it?

Cuba Prayers:

1. Tuesday - Nov 13 - Our team will be involved with some playground construction at Pastor Santiago's church.  Pray that the construction of a playground by the church would present ample opportunities to share the Gospel with people in this small community.  There will also be a team doing Backyard Bible Clubs and a nurses station.  Pray for Pastor Santiago. He's a younger pastor with little experience, but an incredible vision to reach his community with the Gospel.

2. Wednesday - Nov 14 -Complete the playground construction at Santiago's church. Then do some Backyard Bible Clubs and Nurses Station at Juan Carlos's church (pastor who REVO is supporting financially).  Pray that the work we would do would be influential in helping him to launch and sustain this new church.  Pray for Pastor Juan Carlos!  Pray for his family.  Pray that Jesus would sustain him and continue to give him favor among his people.  This is Pastor Juan Carlos's 3rd churchplant in 5 years.  
 3. Thursday - Nov 15 -  Our team will go to Pastor Bacilla's church for a Women's Conference and house visitations. Pray for God to prepare the hearts of the Cuban women who will come to the Women's conference.  Pray that they will grow deeper in their faith in Jesus, drawing closer to Him, and finding their source of life in Him.  Pray for Gospel Centered conversations to happen as we go house to house, sharing the Gospel with those in the community that the church has already developed trust with and relational equity with.  Pray for life-change!
  4.Friday - Nov 16 -  Friday evening team divides and goes to house church services.  Pray for our team as we experience worship in a different context and culture.  Pray that we would learn from the Cuban people in the areas of worship, prayer, sacrifice, evangelism, discipleship, and persecution.  Pray that God would give us a learners attitude and a servants heart.


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