Monday, August 5, 2013

Worship: The Who

Isaiah 6:1-8

1.  Why is it so important to start a conversation and understanding of worship with the WHO?  Why not start with the where, when, how, or why?

2.  What are ways that we "see the Lord" today, in comparison to how Isaiah saw the Lord in vs 1?

3.  What is a good working definition of worship?  What are some other things we worship, and how do we worship them? (ascribing worth, our response to God's revelation)

4.  What are some effects of seeing the WHO behind worship, and why are those important? (confession of sin, realize the standard of goodness and holiness).

5.  What are some ways that you can share with the group that have been powerful in helping you see the WHO behind your worship?  (time in the word, prayer, attending church, reading the Word, seeing it in other people).
Bottom Line:

Head: Worship of God begins only after we see who He is (holy and intrinsically worthy of worship).

Heart: Many of us don't respond to God with worship because we don't truly understand who He is. We've not contemplated the depths of His holiness or asked the Holy Spirit to reveal His glory and consequently we've not allowed ourselves the opportunity to see God as Isaiah did, for if we had seized that opportunity we would respond as Isaiah did.

Hands: If you've not seen God for who He is then you've not worshipped God as He deserves to be worshipped. Use your time in prayer and Scripture this week to intentionally be overwhelmed by who God is! Don't think so much about your requests or how you want Him to improve your life, simply think about the Who and plead with the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the reality of who God is so that you can worship Him rightly.


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