Monday, August 26, 2013

Worship: More Than Singing

 Matthew 22:37, Colossians 3:17, 22-24

1.  Let's answer the "how" of worship.  How do you do it?  Do you think most people have limited worship to singing, music, and what we do it church on Sunday?

2.  For John the Baptist, people saw what he was doing, what he was saying, and how he was acting, and they approached him asking "are you the one, are you the savior, are you the perfect person we have been waiting for that has all the answers and knows how we should live life?"  Then, John the Baptist was able to share with the people about Jesus.

What are you doing at work that would cause people to come to you wanting to know "what's your secret?  Why are you different?  What makes your life seem so much better than anyone else?"  The way you worship through your work can give you all kinds of opportunities to point people to Jesus.  So what are you doing to gain that reputation?  What are you doing to be a minister at work?

3.  One person serves hard and calls it a chore.  Another person serves hard and calls it worship.  What's the difference?  What can you do to turn even the hardest tasks and mundane chores into worship?  (It's all about where your focus is.)

4.  What are some of the ways you have categorized your life into spiritual and secular?  Do you catch yourself taking off your spiritual hat after church and being a different person at work during the week?


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