Monday, September 9, 2013

Reach This City: A New Perspective

Nehemiah 1:1-11

-Jerusalem had been in shambles for 150 years. People were used to it. It had become normal. Why is it that seemingly out of the blue, Nehemiah becomes broken and distraught over the condition of his city?

-We've grown up with spiritual need all around us, we've never known anything different, perhaps 88% of 18-35 year olds involved in Jesus' Church is a normative and acceptable statistic in our estimation. Have you become indifferent toward the needs in our city? What might it look like for you to pursue God's perspective regarding these needs?

-Do you make a point to offer supplication for the city? In verses 4-11 Nehemiah passionately intercedes on behalf of his city. When was the last time we did that unprompted by a sermon series or stirring call by some religious leader? When was the last time we cared about lost people in our city without someone else telling us that we should feel that way?

-The end of verse 11 states Nehemiah's occupation. He was the cup bearer to the king. He was not a paid religious professional. He was just a regular, plain, replaceable guy. His position is one in which a high turn over rate is cup bearer dies...oh well bring out the next guy. Nehemiah was of no extreme importance, but because of the intensity with which he adopted God's perspective, he was used mightily. Do you legitimately believe that God will use you to spark a revolution of life change? 

Make it Personal:

-What did you learn about God in this text?

-What did you learn about yourself?

-What are you going to do about it? 


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