Saturday, January 25, 2014

Christianity 101: Favortism

Text: James 2:1-13

James gives us our first example of how we can be doers of the Word and not hearers only.  In the world, we have classes of people based on appearance, ancestry, age, achievement, affluence, etc.  Some people get rejected, and some people get elevated.  This mentality cannot happen in the church.  Everyone is to be viewed on the same playing field: people in need of a savior.

1.  One big reason we aren't to show favoritism or partiality is because God does not show favoritism (Deuteronomy 10:17; 1 Samuel 16:7; 2 Chronicles 19:7; Acts 10:34; Romans 2:9-11; Galatians 2:6, 3:28).

2.  Do you know people that are more wealth and influence than you?  Do you know people that you would consider poor?  How do you treat these two groups of people?  Do you treat them differently?  Why?

3.  When you show favoritism towards certain people, James implies in verse 7 that you are dishonoring Jesus and what he did for you.  How is showing favoritism offensive to God?

4.  Read 1 Corinthians 15:19.  In this verse Paul says that we are to put our faith and trust in "Christ alone."  When people struggle with showing favoritism, they are really putting their faith in other things, and not Christ alone.  What are the other things you are putting your faith in when you show favoritism?

5.  How do we show favoritism towards ourselves?  (our sin is never as bad as the sins of others, we are quick to give ourselves mercy but slow to give it to others, we overlook our own shortcomings but really pick apart the small things in other people's lives).

6.  What are some "next steps" that we can take to break the cycle of favoritism? (e.g., intentionally build friendships with people that are different than you, when you come to church don't talk to the same people every Sunday and ignore others that you don't know, repent of pride that you feel like you're better than others in different classes).

Homework:  This week at work, make it a priority to build relationships outside of your normal routine.  When you get to church, sit beside someone new.  Introduce yourself to a first time guest to make them feel like they belong.  Don't look down on other's as they struggle with sins that you don't struggle with.  Remind yourself that you are a recipient of mercy from God and that our opportunity now is to pay that mercy forward to others in our life.


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