Saturday, February 1, 2014

Christianity 101: Faith and Works

REMEMBER:  Communion is next Sunday, so that means next week is your groups INVITE NIGHT!  Remember, this is so much more than a party to be had by the existing members.  It's a chance to invite someone to your rGroup and have some fun!  Here are 3 things I'd love for you to commit to each other tonight:

1.  Commit to each other that EVERY PERSON in your group is going to bring someone with them next week.
2.  Commit to each other that you will make your guests feel extremely welcome.  If they have a good time and make connections with other people, they are more likely to come back to an rGroup.
3.  Commit to following up with the guests the following week and inviting them back to your rGroup.

Text:  James 2:14-26

James make is very clear that faith and belief in Jesus is the only requirement for salvation, but true faith is ALWAYS accompanied by works.  There is no way that you can be truly changed by Jesus and your life not reflect that in some way.

1.  If someone asked you if you were a Christian, you would have a "yes" or "no" answer.  But what if you were asked to "prove" this faith?  What would your response be?  James argues that the real test of the authenticity of your faith is your action.  What actions would you give as examples in your life that your faith in Jesus is real?  Would your finances reflect your faith in Jesus?  What about your calendar? What about your relationships with others?

2.  What are the differences between faith and works?  Is it an either/or proposition, or do you see it as both/and?  Do you believe that faith can exist and be real without works?

3.  Read over these passages.  What is some of the graphic language that illustrates how God views people that claim to believe and have faith, yet live their lives void of any actions or works?
a.  Revelation 3:15-16
b.  John 15:5
c.  2 Corinthians 5:17

4.  Read Isaiah 29:13.  In what areas of your life do you have "big lips" that honor God, but your heart is small and is not moved?  (e.g., You may believe and confess that childhood hunger is an unacceptable problem, but you aren't moved enough to give or sacrifice to end it.  You may WANT your friends and family and co-workers to have a relationship with Jesus, but you aren't willing to talk with them about it and share the Gospel).

Here are some quick phrases to help wrap up the loose ends on understanding the connection between faith and works:

1.  You don't work to GET God; you work because you KNOW God.
2.  You're not saved BY works, but you WILL WORK if you know Jesus.
3.  You don't work TO know God; you work BECAUSE you know God.
4.  You don't work FOR your salvation; you work FROM your salvation.

Homework:  What was one thing you learned from this passage and message that you can apply to your life this week?

Announcements: Shelter Serve!
From Sunday, Feb. 16th through Thursday, Feb. 20th REVO will be serving at the Overflow shelters in downtown Winston to serve the homeless of our city during the frigid,winter weather.  We'll looking to get our people involved in prepping and serving meals, assisting with the check-in and doing overnight stays at the 2 shelters at Augsburg Lutheran Church and First Baptist Church. Take a moment to decide which night your group would like to serve.You can sign up here:


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