Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Journey: BELIEVE

Text:  John 6:22-40

Summary: Many people were seeking Jesus and wanted what he had to offer.  Jesus very clearly tells them how to obtain what they are seeking: just believe.  He starts with 1,000's of years worth of religious traditions that focused on outward motions of religion and transitions to an inward change in our lives.  It's no longer what WE must DO to get to God, but about what JESUS has DONE for us.

1.  Why is it so difficult for people to "just believe?"  It sounds and looks so simple.  But many times we would prefer to do it ourselves, to try to earn our way to Jesus, to simply ask for a checklist of things that we can do to get to God.  You would think that simply "accepting a gift" would be a huge upgrade from "work hard and hope you do enough."  So what are the hang-ups with just believing in Jesus?

2.  The people in this text wanted to know what must we do to get to God?  What are some of the things that people are trying to do to get to God and earn his favor?  What would your response be if someone came up to you and asked that question?  What must they do in order to know God?

3.  "You don't have to know EVERYthing to believe in SOMEthing."  When you "just believe" there are still questions to be answered.  There are still things that you don't know.  There are still details of the journey that have not been laid out yet.  What were some of the unanswered questions and unclear details that you had when you first decided to believe in Jesus?  How did you get over those questions in order to take the first step?  (Someone in your group may be struggling with some questions right now, and it's keeping them from taking the first step and believing in Jesus).

4.  Sometimes we base our faith in God on signs and wonders that He has done for us.  The people in John 6 demanded that God give them a sign or do something before they would believe.  Have you ever asked God for a sign?  What's the danger of making God prove Himself?  (You'll never be satisfied.  One sign always leads to the demand for something bigger and better).  These people just witnessed Jesus feed 5,000 people, and yet they needed more "proof."  Do you ever catch yourself requesting more "proof" from God in order for you to follow Him and believe?

REMINDER:  Next week is baptism at Winston-Square Park!  11am.  Cookout, games for kids, celebrating life change through Jesus!


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