Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Journey: KNOW

Text: Philippians 3:1-16

Summary:  After taking the first 2 steps in a journey with Jesus (1. Just Believe, and 2. Baptism), we have to fight the desire to stop moving.  If you're not taking steps, then you're not following Jesus.  Even a knowledgable, successful, influential Christian like the apostle Paul recognized the need for him to KNOW Jesus more and more as his journey continued.

GROUP LEADERS:  Each week I want your group to simply verbalize and summarize the different steps in this process.  I want to make sure everyone knows what their next step is in this journey.  Also, offer some help for anyone in your group that wants to take the next step.  Make yourself available to talk with them, answer questions, and help them know not only what the next step for their journey is, but how they can take it.

Steps in the Journey
1.  Just Believe (The relationship begins with believing in Jesus as the Son of God, savior of the world).
2.  Baptism (Going Public in this relationship with Jesus).
3.  Know (Learning more about Jesus, what He has done for you, and how he has called us to live).

1.  In vs 4-6, Paul describes his pedigree as a religious person.  Sometimes what we have already accomplished in our past gives us a lack of urgency about taking the next steps.  What are the "accomplishments" or steps that you have achieved in the past in your journey?  If someone were to ask you what your journey with Jesus is all about, what steps would you tell them?

2.  In vs. 10-11, Paul says that even he wants to KNOW Jesus Christ more.  If Paul admits that he doesn't KNOW enough about Jesus to be satisfied, what does that say about you and me?

3.  What is stopping you from taking the next steps in your journey with Jesus?  Paul mentioned some possible barriers in vs 13-14.
a.  Forgetting what is behind:  Are you so stuck on your past experiences that they are keeping you from Moving Forward?  Do you find yourself satisfied with what you've done so far, so much so that it takes the urgency away from what's next?

b.  Straining towards what is ahead: Are you actually putting any effort into Moving Forward on the Journey.  You'll never "accidentally" get closer to Jesus.  You'll never fall into the next step of the journey.  It takes effort on your part to Move Forward.  So what you are doing now to strain and strive towards the next steps?

c. Pressing on towards the goal:  Have you stopped in the middle of the race?  Have you said some things, done some things, and accomplished some things spiritually that are tempting you to take a break or put your spiritual life on hold?  Don't forget what the final goal is!  It's not just a few steps early on in life.  It's about finishing what you started and continuing to run this journey in life.

4.  Why is it important to KNOW?  What results will it produce?  (Knowing Jesus will determine how you talk to him, how you respond to him in worship, how generous you are to his mission, how you treat others, and what you do with your life.  The more you KNOW Jesus, the more your life continues to change for him.)

Challenge:  Did everyone in your group download the Bible app?  If so, why don't you pick a 7-day devotional guide to read together this week.  Exchange emails and text messages with insights that you've learned together.  Get in the habit of studying the Word daily and beginning to KNOW Jesus more individually and in a group setting together each week.


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