Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Journey: GROW

Text:  Luke 5:1-11


1.  When kids grow up, they change.  Their looks change, their attitude changes, and their maturity level changes.  In fact, one of the most telling signs of growth is change.  With that being said, how has your spiritual life change recently to show growth?  What are some of the exciting milestones you've reached?  Remember, if you're not changing then you're not growing.  If you're not growing, then you're not taking the next steps in your journey.

2.  There were 2 words highlighted in the text on Sunday: Master and Lord.  What is the difference between the two?  What are characteristics of people that treat Jesus as a Master?  What are the characteristics of people that treat Jesus as Lord?  What are the areas of your life that you need to grow in, to move from Master to Lord?

3.  How do you grow?  What has been the model for your successful growth areas in the past?  What are the specific words associated with it?  (sacrifice, increased prayer about the certain area, having a growth strategy for certain areas, acknowledging the areas that need growth, etc)

4.  Take a moment and look up these passages about Peter and read them aloud.
a. Matthew 16:18- Jesus tells Peter he will be a strong leader in the early NT church.
b. Acts 2:37-41- Peter preaches one of the first sermons in the early church and 3,000 people get saved.
c. Acts 1:13- Peter is listed first in the list of disciples, noting his position of leadership over the group.
d. Acts 3:1-10- Peter makes the Lame walk
e. Acts 5:15-16- Peter makes the sick to be healed and casts our spirits
f. Acts 9:32-35- Peter makes a paralyzed man move again
g. Acts 9:36-43- Peter raises a man from the dead
h.  Acts 10:1-11- Peter has a vision from God laying out that the Gospel message is not just for the Jews, but for Gentiles as well (that would include Americans!)

It's hard to believe that NONE of these amazing things would have been possible if Simon hadn't taken the step to grow into a relationship with Jesus.  What is the significance about your next step?  Why is it important?  What's at stake?  (Your family/career/finances/relationships/marriage/LIFE could be DRASTICALLY altered by your next step.  What are you waiting on?!)


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