Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Journey: SHARE

Text: Ephesians 4:17-32

Summary: Evangelism is talking about someone or something that you enjoy or love.  For Christians, that person is Jesus.  Paul gives us a 2 step approach to effective evangelism:  the language and content that we share combined with our actions or conduct.

3 things to remember about Evangelism:
1.  You can't be a follower of Jesus and not care about people that are far from Jesus. (Luke 19:10)
2.  Evangelism is a command from Jesus to his followers. (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15, Luke 25:45-48, John 20:21, Romans 10:14-17)
3.  People need Jesus and one of our main jobs as followers of Jesus is to get other people to Jesus (Romans 3:23, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21).

1.  Why do we find it so difficult to share the good news about Jesus, yet so easy to evangelize about our favorite restaurant, brand names, stores, or company?  We don't hesitate to tell people how incredible the newest tech gadget is, how great the food was, or how good our employer is to us.  So why the hesitation with the Gospel?

2.  Paul talks about taking off the old self and putting on the new self.  The fact is, your life changes after you meet Jesus.  How has your life changed?  How has it gotten more fulfilling and satisfied with Jesus?  (All of that is part of the story that you can tell to others!)

3.  Paul lays out a simple list in Ephesians 4 that we can implement this week as we strive to make our actions match up with our words.  Which ones are you good at?  Which ones need improvement?
a.  Don't lie, be a trustworthy person (25)
b.  Don't let your emotions get out of control (26)
c.  Work hard and be generous to others (28)
d.  Encourage others, build other people up, don't talk bad about other behind their backs (29, 31)
e.  When people deserve justice, give them grace.  Look for ways to offer grace and forgiveness to those who least deserve it when they least expect it. (32)


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