Sunday, October 26, 2014

Baptism: We Call It A Party for a Reason

Summary:  9 people from both the Downtown and the North campuses went public in their relationship with Jesus through baptism on Sunday.  YES!  We answered 3 questions: why should Christians get baptized, what does baptism symbolize, and why should we celebrate baptisms?

Text: Matthew 28:18-19, Romans 6:3-6, and Luke 15

1.  Why should Christians get baptized?
a. Read Matthew 28:18.  What is Jesus saying about himself?  Who gave him this "authority"?  What does this statement mean for people that claim to be Christians?

b.  Read Matthew 28:19.  "Therefore" means that if you believe what Jesus said about himself in vs 18, then you'll follow through with his commands in vs. 19.  Here is what Jesus commanded us to do:
-Go: What does "go" look like for you?  Where are some places that you have "gone" with the Gospel message?  It could be across the street or across the world.  How are you being obedient to his first command?
-Make Disciples: Are you helping other people follow Jesus?  Are you introducing others to Jesus?  Are you sharing your story of life change?  How are you being obedient to his second command?
-Baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit:  If you are a follower of Jesus, have you been baptized?  If not, then what are your hesitations?  What is keeping you from being obedient to his third command?  If you have been baptized, then take a minute and share your story with others.

So why should Christians get baptized?  Because Jesus said so.  It's an act of obedience to him.

2.  What does baptism symbolize?
Read Romans 6:3-6.  This is a great picture of the Gospel message.  List out the similarities to the Gospel message in these verses and the act of baptism by immersion. (death, buried, raised from the dead, newness of life, united in resurrection).

-What part of the story of Jesus is told when the person goes under the water?
-What part of the story of Jesus is told when the person come up out of the water?

What is baptism designed to remind us of?
-The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
-How Jesus changed your life.
-How Jesus is still in the business of changing lives today.

3.  Why should we celebrate baptisms?
Read Luke 19.  There are 3 different stories recorded here.
a.  In all 3 stories, what is the reaction when the lost item is found? (vs 6. Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost, vs 9, Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost, vs 20, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him).
b.  The lost item symbolizes someone that doesn't know Jesus.  The item being found symbolizes someone that begins a relationship with Jesus.  So, list out some words that describe how we should respond when someone becomes a follower of Jesus.

One version of the Bible (The Message) paints a vivid picture of what it's like when someone that is "lost" is then "found."
Luke 15:9-10: "And when she finds it you can be sure she'll call her friends and neighbors: 'Celebrate with me!  I found my lost coin.' Count on it- that's the kind of party God's angels throw every time one soul turns to God."

Challenge:  Who are some people in your life that you would like to see become a follower of Jesus?  Would you as a group commit to pray for these people by name each week?  Would you pray that God would change their heart?  Would you pray that one day they will be a follower of Jesus and we'll get to see them be baptized as they go public in their relationship with Jesus?

Saturday, October 18, 2014

PG Week 3

Summary: The #1 responsibility that a parent has is to lead and teach their kids.  Scripture makes it clear that parents are to be teachers, leaders, and models for their kids spiritually.

-Proverbs 1:8; 2:1-2; 3:1; 4:1-2; 5:1; 6:20; 10:1; 15:20.
-2 Timothy 3:15-17
-Psalm 145:4
-Deuteronomy 6:7
-1 Timothy 4:8

1.  Reread the verses from Proverbs chapters 1-6.  The repetition shows the significance of the task that Solomon is undertaking.  List out the top 5 responsibilities that you think a parent has/should have.  Where does "spiritual leader/teacher" fall on your list?

2.  Read Proverbs 10:1 and 15:20.  Why should a parent be focused on passing down wisdom to their kids?  What results will be produced in YOUR life if your kids grasp Godly wisdom?  Do you have any stories in your family or maybe of families that you know where the parents are living a difficult life because of the folly, lack of discernment, and bad decision making by their kids?

3.  Read 2 Timothy 3:15-17 and answer the following questions:
a. When were the people taught about the Bible?
b.  What were the kids given when their parents teach them the Bible?
c.  What does Paul say that the Bible is good for?
d.  What does God use the teaching of the bible by the parent to do in the life of the child?

4.  Read Psalm 145:4.  Whose responsibility is it to tell the next generation about God?  What are some of the things that we try to push this responsibility off on? (church, pastor, relatives, school, friends, let them find their own way).

5.  Deuteronomy 6:7 is a great example of how you can lead and teach your kids in a simple and effective way.  What are ways that your parents taught you?  What really worked and had an impact on you?  What are the ways that you are trying to lead and teach your kids spiritually?

6.  Read Luke 11:2-4.  Look at the list of phrases below and talk about why each one is important.  How can you use this model to help teach your kids about Jesus.
a. Father (God's relationship with you)
b. Hallowed be your name (you are worthy of my praise and honor and worship)
c. Your kingdom come (whatever you want with me and with this day God, then so be it!)
d. Give us each day our daily bread (provide for my needs)
e. forgive us our sins (forgiveness and repentance)
f. help us to forgive others (showing forgiveness to others)
g. lead us not into temptation (help show us the right path and protect us)

Monday, October 13, 2014

PG, Week 2

Summary: Last week we talked about engaging in your child's life.  Now, how do you do that exactly? Scripture teaches us 2 basic truths to help parents engage in the life of their children: training your child and doing everything for your child in love.

Texts: 1 Timothy 4:8; 1 Corinthians 9:25 and 16:14; Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21; Proverbs 22:6; 13:24; 3:11-12; 4:10; 19:18.

Training As Discipline:
Proverbs 22:6, 1 Timothy 4:8, 1 Corinthians 9:25.

1. When we hear the word "discipline" we usually associated it with something negative.  Yet in Scripture, Paul describes athletes and soldiers as people with great discipline in that they have habits, routines, and positive aspects of their life that they practice and do daily in order to achieve a goal.

a.  In parenting, what are the things you are training and disciplining your children to do?
If you're not a parent, what are the things you are training and disciplining yourself to do right now in various aspects of life?

(examples: finances, school, job, relationships, health, other goals you are working towards).

b.  In 1 Timothy, Paul mentions that all of the things listed above are great to do.  But what about spiritually?  What are you doing in your life to train spiritually?

(examples: Bible reading, evangelism, discipleship, finances, church involvement, serving).

c.  What are the big things that you are passing (or would want to pass) on to your kids?  How do you plan on teaching them these things?

d.  1 Corinthians 9:25 mentions that many people train for something that is perishable and doesn't last long.  How is spiritual training more important?  Why should you be interested in your spiritual health even more than your financial/physical/professional health?  Why is there such an urgency about our kid's health and academics and success in life, but generally a lack of urgency and intentionality with spiritual things?

2.  As parents (and with other relationship in our lives as well), our motto should be to do all things in love.

a.  What does Proverbs 13:24 and 3:11-12 say about loving your kids?  What should you do for them and in their lives?  (reproof, discipline, training, equipping, encouraging).  What does Scripture say you are doing to them if you don't do these things?  (hating them, causing their life to be harder and shorter)

b.  Oftentimes, kids struggle with discipline because they don't see the love and purpose behind it.  Read Proverbs 19:18, Ephesians 6:4, and Colossians 3:21.  What are practical ways that you can show love to your kids, even during discipline?  If you dont' have kids, what are ways that you can show love even during a difficult conversation at work, during a conflict, or when dealing with a difficult person?

Read Luke 22:42.  Did you know that even though we sinned against God, that Jesus took our punishment, the wrath of God?  John 3:16 explains that he did that because God loves us.  When it comes to sin in our lives, what does this story say about you?  What does this story say about God?  Now, how should you respond to this incredible gift?