Sunday, October 26, 2014

Baptism: We Call It A Party for a Reason

Summary:  9 people from both the Downtown and the North campuses went public in their relationship with Jesus through baptism on Sunday.  YES!  We answered 3 questions: why should Christians get baptized, what does baptism symbolize, and why should we celebrate baptisms?

Text: Matthew 28:18-19, Romans 6:3-6, and Luke 15

1.  Why should Christians get baptized?
a. Read Matthew 28:18.  What is Jesus saying about himself?  Who gave him this "authority"?  What does this statement mean for people that claim to be Christians?

b.  Read Matthew 28:19.  "Therefore" means that if you believe what Jesus said about himself in vs 18, then you'll follow through with his commands in vs. 19.  Here is what Jesus commanded us to do:
-Go: What does "go" look like for you?  Where are some places that you have "gone" with the Gospel message?  It could be across the street or across the world.  How are you being obedient to his first command?
-Make Disciples: Are you helping other people follow Jesus?  Are you introducing others to Jesus?  Are you sharing your story of life change?  How are you being obedient to his second command?
-Baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit:  If you are a follower of Jesus, have you been baptized?  If not, then what are your hesitations?  What is keeping you from being obedient to his third command?  If you have been baptized, then take a minute and share your story with others.

So why should Christians get baptized?  Because Jesus said so.  It's an act of obedience to him.

2.  What does baptism symbolize?
Read Romans 6:3-6.  This is a great picture of the Gospel message.  List out the similarities to the Gospel message in these verses and the act of baptism by immersion. (death, buried, raised from the dead, newness of life, united in resurrection).

-What part of the story of Jesus is told when the person goes under the water?
-What part of the story of Jesus is told when the person come up out of the water?

What is baptism designed to remind us of?
-The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
-How Jesus changed your life.
-How Jesus is still in the business of changing lives today.

3.  Why should we celebrate baptisms?
Read Luke 19.  There are 3 different stories recorded here.
a.  In all 3 stories, what is the reaction when the lost item is found? (vs 6. Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost, vs 9, Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost, vs 20, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him).
b.  The lost item symbolizes someone that doesn't know Jesus.  The item being found symbolizes someone that begins a relationship with Jesus.  So, list out some words that describe how we should respond when someone becomes a follower of Jesus.

One version of the Bible (The Message) paints a vivid picture of what it's like when someone that is "lost" is then "found."
Luke 15:9-10: "And when she finds it you can be sure she'll call her friends and neighbors: 'Celebrate with me!  I found my lost coin.' Count on it- that's the kind of party God's angels throw every time one soul turns to God."

Challenge:  Who are some people in your life that you would like to see become a follower of Jesus?  Would you as a group commit to pray for these people by name each week?  Would you pray that God would change their heart?  Would you pray that one day they will be a follower of Jesus and we'll get to see them be baptized as they go public in their relationship with Jesus?


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