Saturday, October 18, 2014

PG Week 3

Summary: The #1 responsibility that a parent has is to lead and teach their kids.  Scripture makes it clear that parents are to be teachers, leaders, and models for their kids spiritually.

-Proverbs 1:8; 2:1-2; 3:1; 4:1-2; 5:1; 6:20; 10:1; 15:20.
-2 Timothy 3:15-17
-Psalm 145:4
-Deuteronomy 6:7
-1 Timothy 4:8

1.  Reread the verses from Proverbs chapters 1-6.  The repetition shows the significance of the task that Solomon is undertaking.  List out the top 5 responsibilities that you think a parent has/should have.  Where does "spiritual leader/teacher" fall on your list?

2.  Read Proverbs 10:1 and 15:20.  Why should a parent be focused on passing down wisdom to their kids?  What results will be produced in YOUR life if your kids grasp Godly wisdom?  Do you have any stories in your family or maybe of families that you know where the parents are living a difficult life because of the folly, lack of discernment, and bad decision making by their kids?

3.  Read 2 Timothy 3:15-17 and answer the following questions:
a. When were the people taught about the Bible?
b.  What were the kids given when their parents teach them the Bible?
c.  What does Paul say that the Bible is good for?
d.  What does God use the teaching of the bible by the parent to do in the life of the child?

4.  Read Psalm 145:4.  Whose responsibility is it to tell the next generation about God?  What are some of the things that we try to push this responsibility off on? (church, pastor, relatives, school, friends, let them find their own way).

5.  Deuteronomy 6:7 is a great example of how you can lead and teach your kids in a simple and effective way.  What are ways that your parents taught you?  What really worked and had an impact on you?  What are the ways that you are trying to lead and teach your kids spiritually?

6.  Read Luke 11:2-4.  Look at the list of phrases below and talk about why each one is important.  How can you use this model to help teach your kids about Jesus.
a. Father (God's relationship with you)
b. Hallowed be your name (you are worthy of my praise and honor and worship)
c. Your kingdom come (whatever you want with me and with this day God, then so be it!)
d. Give us each day our daily bread (provide for my needs)
e. forgive us our sins (forgiveness and repentance)
f. help us to forgive others (showing forgiveness to others)
g. lead us not into temptation (help show us the right path and protect us)


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