Friday, March 27, 2015

Adult Content: Church is Better

REMINDER:  Group leaders, challenge your group members to bring someone with them to Easter.  Lead the way and set the bar by making sure you bring someone with you as you come.  This holiday is one of the top Sunday's that people attend church.  That means your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers and trying to figure out this week where they are going to attend!  The least we can do is give them the invitation, and pray that God does something incredible!

Summary:  Paul gives a good illustration of some of the characteristics that should be prevalent in the Church today.  The Church is a family, meets needs, and matches word with deed.  We do these things in order to help others see how Jesus has changed our lives.

Text: 1 Timothy 5 and Titus 2:7-10

READ vs 1-2
1.  Paul says that the Church (the people of Christ) are to treat each other like family.  What are the positive characteristics that come to mind when you think of "family"?  How can those positive attributes be played out in your life as part of the Church?

2. Paul specifically mentions the importance of treating people close in age to you as brothers and sisters.  What are the things that good brothers and sisters do for each other that we need to be doing for one another in the church?

READ vs 3-4
3.   What are some of the greatest needs in the church and outside of the church?  What is your group doing to reach those people and meet those needs?

4.  How does God respond when we care, show compassion, meet needs, and look out for others?  "Pleasing God" is a great goal that we should have and strive towards.

READ vs 7-8
5.  What is one of the main words used to "blame" Christians in the world today?  (hypocrite).  Why?  (actions don't always line up with their beliefs).  What are some of the most obvious ways that you've seen the Church earn this bad reputation?

6.  What are the specific areas that you/your group need to improve on when it comes to putting action to your beliefs?  What areas do you feel you are doing well in?

READ vs 24-25 and Titus 2:7-10
7.  Why is it good that people see the Church serving, giving, sacrificing, and loving?  What does it accomplish?  What does it illustrate?  Why do we do it?


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