Monday, March 2, 2015

Adult Content: His Identity is Better

Summary: Paul addresses how culture views women and various roles and expectations that are placed on them.  As the Church, Paul stresses that our identity is not in gender roles or wordly rules and expectations.  We then learn what our true identity is in and how we can identify ourselves the way God sees us.

Text:  1 Timothy 2:9-12, 1 Peter 2:9-10.

1.  In 1 Tim 2:9-10, Paul lists some expectations that culture has of women that defines their self-worth, role, and identity.  What are some spoken and unspoken expectations that our culture has of men and women?  What are ways that culture is trying to define and set the identity and worth of people today?

2.  In 1 Tim. 2:11-12, Paul mentions that any outside "voices" that may creep into the church may push people away from God instead of twoards Him.  The elders of the church have been charged to lead, guide, protect, instruct, and shepherd the church well.  What outside voices are trying to have to impact on people today?  What outside voices are trying to sway Christians?  How can we combat anything that would be contrary to sound biblical doctrine?

3.  In 1 Peter 2, Peter gives us a great list of things that make up our true identity in Jesus.
a. Accepted ("Chosen people").  How does it feel to know that God chose YOU?!
b. Valuable ("holy and "belonging to God")  How does it shape our self-worth and identity knowing that we belong to God and are valuable to Him?
c. Loved ("People of God")  Why does it matter that God's love for you is unconditional, first, no strings attached, and without merit?
d. Forgiven ("you have been shown mercy")  How can our identity and future be changed with the realization that you aren't defined by your past or your mistakes?

-Unpack how each of those are important in our lives today.  Which one means the most to you?

-What are the opposite of these things, and why would that identity be enslaving for people?  Have you ever struggled with some of these as you strive to acheive acceptance and obtain an identity in your life?


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