Summary: Communion is a powerful observance of the sacrifice Jesus gave for us. Like anything in our lives that have repeat exposure, it can become mundane and ordinary in the life of the worship service. To prevent that, let's look in 4 directions to help keep our hearts focused on this incredibly powerful symbol of love and sacrifice.
Text: Luke 22:14-20, 1 Corinthians 11:26-29, 1 Corinthians 15:58, Psalm 51, and 2 Peter 3:9-10
1. Backward-
READ Luke 22:14-20
a. When Jesus tells his followers to "do this is remembrance of me," what are we suppose to be remembering specifically?
b. The Gospel is preached every week. The promises of God are repeated constantly. Worship songs are sung 3-4 times every service. Even communion services can have an element of routine. Has the symbol of communion and the Gospel ever become "ho-hum" to you? Do you find it losing the "wow factor" in your life sometimes? How can we keep it fresh and meaningful in our lives?
2. Forward-
a. Why is it so important that Jesus promised to return? (no more pain or suffering. Reap the rewards of the Gospel work you did on earth, get to enjoy the presence of God in heaven).
READ 1 Corinthians 15:58
b. Since Jesus is coming back, then how does that affect the way we should live our lives everyday?
3. Inward-
READ Psalms 51-
a. Do you have regular routines of confessing and repenting of sin in your life? Do you ever take the time to look inward and see if there are things that need to be taken care of with God?
b. How does your viewpoint of sin affect how you view confession? David obviously thought sin was a big deal in front of a holy God, and responded accordingly. Is confession and repentance sincere and intense as it was in David's repentance in this passage?
c. How does remembering that your sins are forgiven through Jesus' death on the cross actually make confession and repentance a great, freeing opportunity as opposed to an embarrassing, guilt ridden time before God?
4. Outward-
a. READ 2 Peter 3:9-10. What is the reason Scripture gives as to why God is patient and hasn't sent Jesus back yet?
b. READ 1 Corinthians 11:26. What do we "proclaim" about Jesus when we observe communion?
c. How can you turn what we observed on Sunday into action during your Monday-Friday?
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