Monday, June 29, 2015

BODY PARTS: Many Parts, One Body


1 Corinthians 12:12-26


For legitimate followers of Jesus, belonging to the Church is not a matter of your decision to participate. It is a reality to which we must submit. Just like the hand can't say to the body, "I'm not a part of this," so the Christian cannot say it to the Church. If you are a Christian you are a part of the Church, you just might be abdicating your responsibility to her and thereby harming the body of which you are a part.

Questions (*indicates assistance with answers):

1- 1 Cor. 12:12-26 puts forth "good vibes" regarding the Church, and it certainly seems to say that the Church should be a priority in our lives, but does it really mean that Christians have to involve themselves specifically in a local church or could it be that these are just broad references to the universal Church (all Christians everywhere working toward the same goal though not in the same location)?

          *The does command local church membership (Hebrews 13:17)
          *Furthermore, the analogy of the body functioning together and in concert infers local participation.
          *The body carries out the universal commands of Christ locally by organizing itself into small groups of believers who are obedient together. 

2- Read verses 14-16. Not acknowledging or acting like a part of the body doesn't mean you aren't still attached...It just means the rest of the body is carrying your weight because you refuse to participate. How can we encourage and stimulate inactive Christians toward activity in the local church?

3- Read verse 18. This means that your area of service to the Church is not based upon your is based upon God's design. He chooses to wire and gift people such that they edify the Church in specific ways. Your area of gifting may not be your area of greatest passion. The test is not personal satisfaction, it's edification. How can we determine where God would have us serve in the local church?

          *The early church didn't have spiritual gifts tests, they had needs. As people saw the needs in their local church they stepped up to meet them and as they served in different areas of need the things at which they were gifted became more obvious.

4- Read verse 21. A lot of 21st century Christians say to the body, "I have no need of you." Why is this wrong?

          *It's arrogant; assuming that we are strong enough to develop spiritually without local assistance.
          *It's presumptuous; assuming that the local church exists for us rather than assuming that we exist for the local church.
          *It's insensitive because if the person is so strong a Christian that they don't need the local church then they should stick around and let some of their awesomeness rub off on others.
         *It's disobedient because the Bible tells us we should not neglect participation in the local church (Hebrews 10:24-25).


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